Schweitzerische Gesellschaft in Bern
Swiss Society in Bern


Founding of the Society
Authority / Notes
1759 - 1890

According to p.6 of Guggisberg & Wahlen (1958), the first session of this society happened in January of 1759.

In the first several decades of its existence, the Society published a journal. But, as noted on p.118 of Guggisberg & Wahlen (1958), there was a significant period after 1798 when the Society did not have a periodical publication. On p.118 of Guggisberg & Wahlen (1958) we learn that in 1846 Wilhelm von Fellenberg began to publish the weekly publication, Wochenblatt für Landwirtschaft und Gartenbau which was much simpler and more popular than the Society's previous sequence of journals, and which consisted of summaries of discussions in the daily press; its readership was confined mainly to members of the Society. We also learn that in 1849 the periodical was reorganized and appeared fortnightly under the title Bernische Blätter für Landwirtschaft, Wald- und Gartenbau; each member received a copy of this free of charge. On p.140, we learn that it was not until this change in 1849 that this became an official publication of the Society.

According to pp.118-119 of Guggisberg & Wahlen (1958), in late 1857, the scope of the periodical was broadened to include articles, and the name became Bernische Blätter für Landwirtschaft, Mitteilungs- und Verhandlungsblatt der bernischen Oekonomischen Gesellschaft.

On pp.209-210 of Guggisberg & Wahlen (1958), we learn that on January 1, 1890 this society merged with the Gemeinnützige Gesellschaft des Kantons Bern to form the Oekonomische und Gemeinnützige Gesellschaft des Kantons Bern.

Seat of the Society
Authority / Notes
This location is supported by the titles of its publications.
Name of the Society
1760 - 1761 Schweitzerische Gesellschaft in Bern Its publications.
1762 - 1773 Ökonomische Gesellschaft zu Bern =
Société Oeconomique de Berne
Its publications.
1779 - 1785 Ökonomische Gesellschaft in Bern Its publications.
1796 -1889 Ökonomische Gesellschaft des Kantons Bern Its publications, and on pp.209-210 of Guggisberg & Wahlen (1958), where we learn that on January 1, 1890 this society merged with the Gemeinnützige Gesellschaft des Kantons Bern.
1890 - Ökonomische und Gemeinnützige Gesellschaft des Kantons Bern On pp.209-210 of Guggisberg & Wahlen (1958), we learn that on January 1, 1890 the old society merged with the Gemeinnützige Gesellschaft des Kantons Bern to form the Oekonomische und Gemeinnützige Gesellschaft des Kantons Bern. Its publications.
Ökonomische und Gemeinnützige Gesellschaft des Kantons Bern = Economic and Public Welfare Society of the Canton of Bern
Journals of the Society
Full Journal Title
1760 - 1761
(Th.1 - Th.2)

Schweitzerischen Gesellschaft in Bern Sammlungen von Landwirthschaftlichen Dingen

The Univ. Chicago cat. record gives the title as Sammlungen von Landwirthschaftlichen Dingen / der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft in Bern

French version: A1.

Continued by B.

Indexed Reuss

[GBV German Union cat.; Univ. Chicago cat.]

Samml. der Gesellsch. in Bern
[Reuss, v.6, p.26 cites Th.1, Th.2; v.6, p.27 cites Th.1; v.6, p.28 cites Th.1, Th.2, as well as J.1762 [sic] and J.1763 [sic]; v.6, p.29 cites Th.1, Th.2; v.6, p.30 cites Th.2.]
1760 - 1761
(T.1 - T.2)

Recueil de Mémoires concernant l'Oeconomie Rurale

French version of A.

The title is given as Récueil de Mémoires concernant l'oeconomie rurale par une société établie à Berne en Suisse on p. 19 of Guggisberg & Wahlen (1958).

Continued by B1.

Indexed Reuss

[Bibliot. Nat. France cat.]

Mem. de la Soc. Oecon. de Berne
[Reuss, v.6, p.26 cites T.1, T.2; v.6, p.27 cites T.1; v.6, p.28 cites T.1, T.2; v.6, p.29 cites T.1, T.2, as well as A.1762 [sic] and A.1763 [sic]; v.6, p.30 cites T.2]
1762 - 1773
(Jahrg.3. - Jahrg.14)
Abhandlungen und Beobachtungen durch die Ökonomische Gesellschaft zu Bern gesammelt

French version: B1.

Continues A.

Continued by C.

Indexed Reuss

[Univ. Chicago cat.; GBV German Union cat.]

Abhandl. der Oekon. Gesellsch. in Bern
[Reuss, v.7, p.19; v.6, p.26 cites J.1762; v.6, p.27 cites J.1762, J.1771, J.1772; v.6, p.28 cites J.1762, J.1764, J.1766; v.6, p.29 cites J.1762, 1763; v.6, p.30 cites J.1763, J.1768, J.1771; v.6, p.7 cites J.1773.]
Abhandl. der Oekon. Gesellsch. zu Bern
[Reuss, v.4, p.139 cites J. 1763.]
Abhandl. der Oekonom. Gesellsch. zu Bern
[Reuss, v.4, p.164 cites J. 1762.]
1762 - 1773
Mémoires et Observations Recueillies par la Société Oeconomique de Berne

French version of B.

One of the records at the Bibliot. Nat. France cat. gives a cessation date of 1776.

Indexed Reuss

[Bibliot. Nat. France cat.; GBV German Union cat.]

Mem. de la Soc. Oecon. de Berne
[Reuss, v.6, p.26 cites A.1762; v.6, p.27 cites A.1762, A.1771, A.1772; v.6, p.28 cites A.1762 A.1764, A.1766; v.6, p.29 cites A.1762, A.1763; v.6, p.30 cites A.1763, A.1768, A.1771; v.6, p.7 cites A.1773.]
Mem. de la Soc. Oeconom. de Berne
[Reuss, v.4, p.139 cites A. 1763.]
1762 - 1766
(Bd.1 - Bd.3)
Sammlung Auserlesener Schriften von Staats- und Landwirtschaftlichem Inhalte / mit beyfall einer löbl. ökon. Gesellschaft zu Bern herausgegeben

Guggisberg & Wahlen (1958), p.19 indicates that this title was published in 3 Banden from 1762 to 1766.

[NEBIS Swiss Union cat.; Guggisberg & Wahlen (1958), p.19]

1779 - 1785
(Bd.1 - Bd.3)
Neue Sammlung Physisch-Ökonomischer Schriften herausgegeben von der Ökonomischen Gesellschaft in Bern

The record in GBV German Union cat. renders herausgegeben in its abbreviated form, hrsg..

Continues B.

Continued by E.

Indexed Reuss

[Guggisberg & Wahlen (1958), p.25; GBV German Union cat.]

Neue Samml. der Oekon. Gesellsch. in Bern
[Reuss, v.6, p.6 cites B. I.]
Neueste Sammlung von Abhandlungen und Beobachtungen / Ökonomische Gesellschaft des Kantons Bern

Continues D.

[GBV German Union cat.]

1796 (April) - 1798 (April)
Gemeinnützigen Nachrichten und Bemerkungen besonders für Freunde der Naturgeschichte und der Landwirtschaft, auf Veranstaltung der ökonomischen Gesellschaft in Bern herausgegeben

[Guggisberg & Wahlen (1958), p.33]

1846 - 1849
Wochenblatt für Landwirtschaft und Gartenbau

On p.118 of Guggisberg & Wahlen (1958) we learn that in 1846 Wilhelm von Fellenberg began to publish this weekly publication, which was much simpler and more popular than the Society's previous sequence of journals, and which consisted of summaries of discussions in the daily press; its readership was confined mainly to members of the Society. On p.140, we learn that it was not until its change in title in 1849 that this became an official publication of the Society.

Continued by X.

[Guggisberg & Wahlen (1958), p.118]

1849 - 1857
Bernische Blätter für Landwirtschaft, Wald- und Gartenbau

On p.118 of Guggisberg & Wahlen (1958), we learn that in 1849 periodical W was reorganized and appeared fortnightly as this title; each member received a copy of this free of charge.

On p.140, we learn that it was not until this change in 1849 that this became an official publication of the Society.

Continues W.

Continued by Y.

[Guggisberg & Wahlen (1958), p.118]

1857 - 1896
Bernische Blätter für Landwirtschaft, Mitteilungs- und Verhandlungsblatt der bernischen Oekonomischen Gesellschaft

According to pp.118-119 of Guggisberg & Wahlen (1958), in late 1857, the scope of their periodical X was broadened to include articles, and it took this new name. On p.149, it is abbreviated as BBL.

The record in the NEBIS Swiss Union cat. gives holdings for v.17 (1863) - v.20 (1866) and v.24 (1870).

Continues X.

Continued by Z.

[NEBIS Swiss Union cat.; Guggisberg & Wahlen (1958), pp.118-119]

1862 -1870
(Lief.2 - Lief.6)
Landwirthschaftliche Volksschriften / Hg.: Oekonomische Gesellschaft des Kantons Bern

[NEBIS Swiss Union cat.]

1896 (July) -
Schweizer Bauer und Bernische Blätter für Landwirtschaft

According to p.254 of Guggisberg & Wahlen (1958), in July of 1896, on its 50th anniversary, the BBL assumed this new name.

The record in the NEBIS Swiss Union cat. indicates that Jg. 55, Nr. 2 = 5. Jan. 1901, and also indicates that the title has at times been given as Schweizer Bauer with varying subtitles.

Continues Y.

[NEBIS Swiss Union cat.; Guggisberg & Wahlen (1958), p.254]

1914 -
Taetigkeitsbericht / Oekonomische und Gemeinnuetzige Gesellschaft, Kanton Bern

[NEBIS Swiss Union cat.]

(v.11 - )
Schriftenreihe der OGG

The record in the GBV German Union cat. indicates that the sponsor of this journal is Ökonomische und Gemeinnützige Gesellschaft des Kantons Bern.

[GBV German Union cat.]

