Scholarly Societies Project


Sending Email to the Scholarly Societies Project

Because you have reached this page, you will be aware that the Original Edition of the Scholarly Societies Project collapsed in 2011 due to impossible maintenance demands.

The Editor and Curator, Jim Parrott, has revived the Project as Scholarly Societies Project - Edition 2 with a couple of constraints designed to make for a more manageable maintenance load.

  1. Edition 2 is limited to scholarly societies founded prior to 1850 with an emphasis on the history of those societies, their contribution to the scholarly record and the abbreviations so often used to refer to their journals. In short, Edition two is not a simple directory - it is a research tool.
  2. In addition, website URLs for scholarly societies are no longer included; each of them has been replaced by specific HTML code that performs a Google search to find the latest URL for the society in question. This facility is identified by the following icon .

The Editor and Curator of the Scholarly Societies Project - Edition 2 is over eighty years of age, and has a very limited amount of time available for dealing with email messages. The information below is intended to help you determine what is likely to happen when you send a message to the email address for the Project.

Type of Message
What the Editor will Do
What the Editor Will not Do
Supplying information about a scholarly society that was founded prior to 1850, but which is is not included in Edition 2 of the Project. If appropriate, your suggestion will go in the Editor's work queue. The Editor will not reply to your message - unless some clarification is required.
Supplying additional information about a scholarly society that is already included in Edition 2 of the Project. If appropriate, your suggestion will go in the Editor's work queue. The Editor will not reply to your message - unless some clarification is required.
Offering to host the Project in the future on your own web platform. We are looking for a host associated with a stable not-for-profit institution. The Editor will assign a high priority to considering your offer. The Editor will not respond to offers from commercial institutions.
Requesting information about the operation of the Project This is well documented in the Project itself; the Editor will, however, read your email. If the documentation requested is NOT in the Project, and the request seems serious, the Editor will respond as time permits.
Making other kinds of comments. The Editor will read your message. The Editor cannot guarantee to respond to your message.
Email Address =


Published 2024, February 29
Jim Parrott, Editor
Scholarly Societies Project