Societas Jablonoviana
Jablonowskische Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig
Jablonowski Society
Founding of the Society
Authority / Notes
A founding date of 1774 is given on p.165 of
Gross (2001).
1774 is also given as the official founding date in
Societas Jablonovia einst und heute
(Universitätsjournal (Universität Leipzig), Juli
2000, Heft 400).
1774 is further confirmed as an official founding date by the title of the
following book in the
GBV German Union cat.:
Mit Wort und Tat : deutsch-polnischer Kultur- und
Wissenschaftsdialog in Vergangenheit und Gegenwart ; Veröffentlichung
zum 225. Jahrestag der Societas Jablonoviana 1774 - 1999
(by Dietrich Scholze. - Leipzig : Universitätsverl., 2001).
It is interesting to note, however, that the catalogue records for the
journal of the Society suggest that the Society was founded as early as
1771, not 1774.
In addition, the records in
Reuss suggest an even earlier date, namely 1770.
This mystery is explained on p.175 of
Merian (2000), where the author mentions that,
in the 1769, April 3 issue of the
Neue Zeitunge[n] von gelehrten Sachen is found an
announcement that Prince Jablonowski after settling in Leipzig, had
spoken for the first time of a Leipzig Society to whom he had proposed
three prize questions. The author concludes that this prize announcement
of 1769 marks the first activities of the Societas Jablonoviana,
albeit as a private establishment, without yet any responsibilities and
rights with respect to the Prince's government.
And on p.177 of Merian (2000), the author
indicates that over the next few years the Prince brought more scholars
into the Society, proposed prize questions to them, and published their
responses as the 5 volumes of
the Acta Societatis Jablonovianae. Not until the deposition
of the Statutes on 1774, November 17, in which the Prince placed the Society
under his protection, was the Society officially founded.
According to
Societas Jablonovia einst und heute
(Universitätsjournal (Universität Leipzig), Juli
2000, Heft 400),
the Society was instrumental in founding in 1846 the
Königlich Sächsische Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu
Leipzig, which is now called the
Sächsische Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig (SAW).
The Society was active until 1948, when its leader moved to Jena.
With the assistance of the Polish government, the Society was
re-established in 1978 with the goal of advancing German-Polish economic
and cultural relations.
More information is located in
Societas Jablonovia einst und heute
(Universitätsjournal (Universität Leipzig), Juli
2000, Heft 400).
Seat of the Society
Authority / Notes
This location is supported on p.165 of
Gross (2001), and also in
Societas Jablonovia einst und heute
(Universitätsjournal (Universität Leipzig), Juli
2000, Heft 400).
Name of the Society
1771 -
Societas Jablonoviana
Its publications give this name until 1845.
This name is also given as a current name in its website
( ).
1829 - 1943
Fürstlich-Jablonowskische Gesellschaft =
Fürstlich-Jablonowskische Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften
Its publications.
1847 - 1943
Fürstlich-Jablonowskische Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften, Leipzig
Fürstlich-Jablonowskische Gesellschaft zu Leipzig
Its publications.
1978 -
Jablonowskische Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig
Its website
( ) gives
this as a current name;
this name may date from as early as 1978, when the Society was revived
after a thirty-year hiatus.
Societas Jablonoviana =
Jablonowskische Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig =
Jablonowski Society
Journals of the Society
Full Journal Title
Solutiones Problematum, a Celsissimo Principe Iablonovio ex Historia
Poloniae propositorum
Strictly speaking, this publication came before the formal founding of the
It appears, however, to have been directly related to the informal
founding of the Society.
Indexed Reuss
[BVB Bavarian Union cat.]
Solutiones Problematum a — Princ. Jablonovio proposit
[Reuss, v.7, pp.66-67 cites Nro. 3;
v.7, p.67 cites Nro. 4.]
Solutiones Problematum a Princ. Jablonovio proposit
[Reuss, v.7, p.282 cites Nr. 5.]
1771 - 1775/79
(T.1 - T.5)
Acta Societatis Jablonovianae
Continued by C.
Indexed Reuss
[GBV German Union cat.]
Acta Soc. Jablonovianae
[Reuss, v.8, p.497 cites
A.1770 (T.1) and A.1771 (T.2);
v.8, pp.350 & 498 cite T.5]
1802 - 1845
(T.1 - T.9)
Acta Societatis Jablonovianae Nova
Continues B.
Indexed Reuss
[GBV German Union cat.]
Nova Acta Soc. Jablonovianae
[Reuss, v.8, p.496 cites T.1.]
1829 - 1942(1943)
Jahresbericht der Fürstlich-Jablonowskischen Gesellschaft der
The catalogue record in the
GBV German Union cat.
indicates that in the beginning this journal title was:
Jahresbericht der Fürstlich-Jablonowskischen Gesellschaft
[GBV German Union cat.]
Abhandlungen bei Begründung der Königl. Sächsischen
Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften am Tage der 200jähr. Geburtstagsfeier
The catalogue record in the
GBV German Union cat.
indicates that this volume was published by the
Fürstlich Jablonowskische Gesellschaft
Indexed RSLC
[GBV German Union cat.]
Leipzig, Abhandl. Jablon. Gesell.
[RSLC, v.1, p.xlv]
Preisschriften, gekrönt und herausgegeben von der
Fürstlich-Jablonowskischen Gesellschaft zu Leipzig
The catalogue record in the
GBV German Union cat.
indicates that part of the time this journal title was:
Preisschriften der Fürstlich-Jablonowskischen Gesellschaft der
Wissenschaften, Leipzig
Indexed RSLC
[GBV German Union cat.]
Leipzig, Jablon. Preisschr.
[RSLC, v.1, p.xlv, and v.13, p.liii]