Amsteldamsch Dicht- en Letteroefenend Genootschap: Wij Streven naar de Volmaaktheid
Amsterdam Society for Poetry and Literature: We Strive for Perfection


Founding of the Society
Authority / Notes
According to Jacob & Mijnhardt (1992), pp.261-262, this Society was founded in 1783 in Amsterdam.

According to Jacob & Mijnhardt (1992), pp.260 - 267, this society was one of four major literary societies, of which the others were based in Leiden (Kunst Wordt door Arbeid Verkreegen = Art is Won by Labour, founded in 1766), The Hague (Kunstliefde Spaart geen Vlijt = Love of Art Spares no Diligence, founded in 1772), and Rotterdam (Studium Scientiarum Genetrix, founded in 1773).

On pp.266-267 of Jacob & Mijnhardt (1992), we learn that this Society from Amsterdam and the two societies from Leiden and Rotterdam amalgamated in 1800 as the Bataafsche Maatschappij van Taal- en Dichtkunde = Batavian Society for Language and Literature. We also learn that in 1806, the Society was renamed Hollandsche Maatschappij van Fraaije Kunsten en Wetenschappen = Holland Society for Liberal Arts and Sciences, and in 1818 the society from The Hague joined them.

Seat of the Society
Authority / Notes
The Netherlands
This location is supported by pp.261-262 of Jacob & Mijnhardt (1992).
Name of the Society
1783 - 1800 Amsteldamsch Dicht- en Letteroefenend Genootschap: Wij Streven naar de Volmaaktheid Its publication establishes the name; Jacob & Mijnhardt (1992), pp.261-262 establishes the start date and pp.266-267 establishes the end date.
1783 - 1800 Amsteldamsche Dicht- en Letteroefenend Genootschap: Wij Streeven naar Volmaaktheid Jacob & Mijnhardt (1992), pp.261-262 establishes the name and start date and pp.266-267 establishes the end date.
Journals of the Society
Full Journal Title
[dl.1 - dl.2]
Werken van het Amsteldamsch Dicht- en Letteroefenend Genootschap

The annotation in the record in the Univ. Leiden cat. indicates that the full name of the issuing body was Amsteldamsch Dicht- en Letteroefenend Genootschap: Wij Streven naar de Volmaaktheid; this differs from the form of the name supplied by Jacob & Mijnhardt (1992) in three ways: (1) the lack of the final "e" in the first word, (2) the spelling "Streven" rather than "Streeven", and (3) the use of the definite article "de" before the word "Volmaaktheid".

The record in the Univ. Amsterdam cat. gives the title as Werken van het Amsteldamsch Dicht- en Letteröefenend Genootschap and the date of publication as 1792.

[Univ. Leiden cat.; Univ. Amsterdam cat.]

