Société des Sciences Physiques de Lausanne
Society of Physical Sciences of Lausanne


Founding of the Society
Authority / Notes

According to Gelehrte Gesellschaften (in the Historisches Lexikon der Schweiz) this Society existed from 1783-1790. According to La vanité de la nomenclature et autres écrits de jeunesse de Jean Piaget. Annexe I this Society was dissolved around 1790. These two sources were consulted around 2010; they have disappeared as of 2024-01-23.

In a webpage at the Dictionnaire des journaux, we read that this Society had been founded on 10 March 1783 by Grégoire Cyrillovitch Razoumowski. It also indicates that Tome II for 1787/1788 was published on 1790.

Seat of the Society
Authority / Notes
This location is supported by the name of the Society.
Name of the Society
1783 - 1790 Société des Sciences Physiques de Lausanne

Gelehrte Gesellschaften (in the Historisches Lexikon der Schweiz) establishes the name, start year and end year. These two sources were consulted around 2010; they have disappeared as of 2024-01-23.

In a webpage at the Dictionnaire des journaux, we read that this Society had been founded on 10 March 1783 by Grégoire Cyrillovitch Razoumowski. It also indicates that Tome II for 1787/1788 was published on 1790. Hence we conclude that the Society existed from at least 1783 to 1790.

Journals of the Society
Full Journal Title
T. I (année 1783) [publ.1784];
T. II (années 1784-1786) [publ. 1789];
T. III (années 1787-1788) [publ. 1790];

Mémoires de la Société des Sciences Physiques de Lausanne

In a webpage at the Dictionnaire des journaux, we read that "le t. I (année 1783) a paru en 1784, le t. II (années 1784-1786) en 1789 et le t. III (années 1787-1788) en 1790."

Indexed Reuss

[Bibliot. Nat. France cat.]

Mem. de la Soc. de Lausanne
[Phil. Trans., Vol. 100 (1810), p.277 cites an article by Comte G. de Razmoumouski in Tom. ii; the corresponding entry in Reuss, v.1, p.497 gives the journal-title abbrev. as Memoires de Lausanne.]
Mem. de Lausanne
[Reuss, v.4, p.50 cites T.1.]
Memoires de Lausanne
[Reuss, v.1, p.96 cites T.1 & T.2; v.1, p.127 cites T.2; v.1, p.26 cites T.3.]
