Société des Amateurs des Sciences Physiques et Naturelles
de Paris
Society of Lovers of the Physical and Natural Sciences of Paris
Founding of the Society
Authority / Notes
1807 - 1809
According to Crosland (1967), p.187, this Society was founded in the summer of 1807 as the Société des Amateurs des Sciences Physiques et Naturelles de Paris. Crosland (1967), p.188 indicates that in 1808 it took the name Société des Sciences Physiques et Naturelles.
Crosland (1967), p.188 indicates that the Society ceased to publish after 1808, and, although ambitious, it was in no position to make a significant contribution to science. Crosland (1967), p.188 alludes to a request of the Society to the Institut on 1809, August 21. It is not clear when the Society ceased, but it evidently ceased to be very active after suspending publication of its journal in 1808. In the absence of other information, we will take 1809 as the cessation date.
Seat of the Society
Authority / Notes
This location is supported by the name of the Society.
Name of the Society
1807 - 1808
Société des Amateurs des Sciences Physiques et Naturelles de Paris
Crosland (1967), pp.187-188 gives this start date for this name.
Crosland (1967), pp.187-188 gives this end date for this name.
1808 - 1809 at least
Société des Sciences Physiques et Naturelles
Crosland (1967), pp.187-188 gives this start date for the new name.
Crosland (1967), p.188 alludes to a request of the Society to the Institut on 1809, August 21; we have no proof of its existence past 1809.
Journals of the Society
Full Journal Title
1807 - 1808 (1. - 2.)
Notice des travaux de la Société des Amateurs des Sciences Physiques et Naturelles de Paris
Indexed RSLC
Notice des Travaux de la Soc. des Amateurs des Sci. Phys. et Nat. de Paris
[Proc. Am. Phil. Soc., Vol. 22, No. 119,
Part III. Early Proceedings, May 1808 [Jul., 1885], p.409 cites 1re Année, 1807.]
Notice des travaux de la Soc. des Amateurs des Sciences Physiques
[Trans. Am. Phil. Soc., Vol. 6, (1809), p.xxv
cites 1re. année Paris, 1807.]
Paris, Trav. Soc. Amat.
[RSLC, v.1, p.lxi.]