Société Entomologique de France
Entomological Society of France


Founding of the Society
Authority / Notes

According to its website (), the Société Entomologique de France was founded on 1832, February 29.

Seat of the Society
Authority / Notes
This location is supported by its website ().
Name of the Society
1832, February 29 - Société Entomologique de France Its publications establish this name from 1832.
Société Entomologique de France =
Entomological Society of France

Journals of the Society
Full Journal Title
1832 - 1842 (1. - 11.);
1843 - 1852 (2.Sér. 1. - 10.);
1853 - 1860 (3.Sér. 1. - 8.);
1861 - 1870 (4.Sér. 1. - 10.);
1871 - 1880 (5.Sér. 1. - 10.);
1881 - 1890 (6.Sér. 1. - 10.);
1891 - 1964 (60. - 133);
1965 - (N.S. 1. -)

Annales de la Société Entomologique de France : revue d'entomologie générale et appliquée

B is a supplement to this title.

Indexed RSLC

[GBV German Union cat.]

A. Soc. Entomol. Fr.
[Proc. Roy. Soc., B Vol. 267, No. 1447 (May 22, 2000), p.1009 cites 35 (Suppl.), 1999.]
Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr.
[Ecology, Vol. 9, No. 4 (Oct., 1928), p.403 cites (5), V, 1875.]
Ann. Soc. Ent. France
[Science, New Series, Vol. 16, No. 395 (Jul. 25, 1902), p.154 cites LXX, 1901.]
Ann. Soc. Entom., France
[Phil. Trans., B Vol. 209 (1920), p.169 cites vol. 78, 1909.]
Ann. Soc. Entomol. Fr.
[Ecological Monographs, Vol. 2, No. 3 (Jul., 1932), p.301 cites 76, 1907.]
Ann. soc. entomol. France
[Scientific Monthly, Vol. 85, No. 5 (Nov., 1957), p.244 cites 4 (1884).]
Annls Soc. ent. Fr.
[J. Animal Ecology, Vol. 37, No. 3 (Oct., 1968), p.692 cites NS. 1(3), 1965.]
Annls Soc. Entomol. Fr.
[Proc. Roy. Soc., B Vol. 267, No. 1452 (Aug. 7, 2000), p.1495 cites (New Series) 29, 1993.]
Annls Soc. Entomol. France
[Proc. Roy. Soc., B Vol. 267, No. 1460 (Dec. 7, 2000), p.2365 cites 7, 1877.]
Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom.
[RSLC, v.1, p.lix.]
Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann.
[RSLC, v.13, p.lxxi.]
Paris, Soc. Entom. Annales
[RSLC, v.9, p.xxv.]
Soc. Ent. de France Ann.
[Ecology, Vol. 23, No. 1 (Jan., 1942), p.121 cites 97, 1928.]
Soc. Entomol. France Ann.
[Science, New Series, Vol. 145, No. 3628 (Jul. 10, 1964), p.136 cites 110 (1941).
1833 - 1842 (1. - 10.);
1843 - 1852 (2.Ser. 1. - 10.);
1853 - 1860 (3.Ser. 1. - 8.);
1861 - 1870 (4.Ser. 1. - 10.);
1871 - 1872 ([5.Ser.])

Bulletin Entomologique / Société Entomologique de France

A supplement to A.

Continued by D.

[GBV German Union cat.]

1864 - 1945 (1. - 37.)

Abeille / publié par la Société Entomologique de France

Indexed RSLC

[GBV German Union cat.]

[RSLC, v.7, p.v; v.9, p.vii; v.13, p.ix.]
1873 - 1896;
1896 - 1931 ([N.S.1.] - [36.]);
1932 - (37. -)

Bulletin de la Société Entomologique de France

At times the title had the following other forms: (1) Bulletin des séances et bulletin bibliographique de la Société Entomologique de France; (2) Bulletin des séances et bulletin bibliographique; and (3) Bulletin des séances de la Société Entomologique de France.

Supplement to A. RSLC, v.13, p.lxxi indicates, however, that it was a supplement to A only up to 1896; after that it was an independent publication.

Continues B.

Indexed RSLC

[GBV German Union cat.]

Bul. Soc. Ent. France
[Science, New Series, Vol. 24, No. 625 (Dec. 21, 1906), p.811 cites 1898.]
Bull. ent. Soc. Fr.
[J. Ecology, Vol. 45, No. 2 (Jul., 1957), p.636 cites 61 (1892).]
Bull. Soc. ent. Fr.
[Phil. Trans., B Vol. 227, No. 541 (Mar. 2, 1937), p.109 cites 1924.]
Bull. Soc. Ent. France
[Science, New Series, Vol. 26, No. 657 (Aug., 1907), p.149 cites 1899.]
Bull. Soc. Entom., France
[Phil. Trans., B Vol. 209 (1920), p.169 cites 1913.]
Bull. Soc. Entomol. Fr.
[Ecology, Vol. 56, No. 6 (Autumn, 1975), p.1376 cites 1965.]
Bull. Soc. Entomol. France
[Ecological Monographs, Vol. 2, No. 3 (Jul., 1932), p.300 cites 45, 1896.]
Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull.
[RSLC, v.13, p.lxxi.]
1997 - (1. -)

Mémoires de la SEF / Société Entomologique de France

[GBV German Union cat.]

