Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire


Founding of the Society
Authority / Notes

According to its website (), the Society was founded on 1848, June 20.

Seat of the Society
Authority / Notes
This location is supported by the Wikipedia article on the HSLC.
Name of the Society
1848 - Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire Its publications.
Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire
Journals of the Society
Full Journal Title
1848/1849 - 1853/1854
(Vols 1 - 6)

Proceedings and papers [of the] Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire

Continued by B.

[National Lib. Scotland cat.]

1854/1855 -
(Vol. 7 -)

Transactions of the Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire for the year ...

Vols. 13-25 numbered "new ser., Vols. 1-13"; Vols. 26-31 numbered "3rd ser., Vols. 2-7"; Vols. 32-36 regularly numbered; Vols. 37-78 also numbered "new ser., Vols. 1-42".

Continues A.

[National Lib. Scotland cat.

Historic Soc. Lancs & Cheshire, Trans.
[Architectural History, Vol. 41 (1998), p.27 cites LXXXIX (1937).]
Trans. hist. Soc. Lanc. & Chesh.
[Man, Vol. 29, No. 2 (Jun., 1994), p.379 cites 130, 1981.]
Trans. Hist. Soc. Lanc. and Chesh.
[J. Anthrop. Instit., Vol. 1 (1872), p.62 cites 1865.]
Trans. Hist. Soc. Lancashire & Cheshire
[Folklore, Vol. 65, No. 2 (Sep., 1954), p.122 cites vol. 104, 1953.]
Trans. Hist. Soc. Lancashire and Cheshire
[Burlington Mag. Connoiss., Vol. 88, No. 515 (Feb., 1946), p.32 cites vol. lxxiii (1921).]
Trans. Hist. Soc. Lancashire Cheshire
[Britannia, Vol. 4. (1973), p.206 cites CV (1953).]
Trans. Hist. Soc. Lancs. & Ches.
[Economic History Review, New Series, Vol. 21, No. 3 (Dec., 1968), p.628 cites CXVII.]
Trans. Hist. Soc. Lancs & Chesh.
[English Historical Rev., Vol. 80, No. 316 (Jul., 1965), p.662 cites 115.]
Trans. Hist. Soc. Lancs. & Cheshire
[J. Roman Studies, Vol. 35, Parts 1 and 2 (1945), p.19 cites liv.]
Trans. Hist. Soc. Lancs. and Ches.
[Folklore, Vol. 44, No. 1 (Mar., 1933), p.49 cites 1917.]
Trans. Hist. Soc. Lancs. and Chesh.
[English Historical Rev., Vol. 49, No. 196 (Oct., 1934), p.681 cites lxxviii.]
Trans. Hist. Soc. Lancs. and Cheshire
[English Historical Rev., Vol. 66, No. 260 (Jul., 1951), p.472 cites ci.]
Trans. hist. Soc. Lancs. Ches.
[Trans. Instit. Brit. Geog., No. 40 (Dec., 1966), p.37 cites 104 (1952).]
Trans. Hist. Soc. Lancs. Cheshire
[Britannia, Vol. 16 (1985), p.xiii cites cv (1954).]
Trans. Hist. Soc. of Lancashire and Cheshire
[PMLA, Vol. 41, No. 3 (Sep., 1926), p.579 cites VII.]
Trans. Hist. Soc. of Lancs. & Cheshire
[Economic History Review, New Series, Vol. 12, No. 3 (1960), p.535 cites CIX. 1958.]
Trans. Hist. Soc. of Lancs. and Ches.
[Economic History Review, New Series, Vol. 28, No. 2 (May, 1975), p.202 cites cx (1958).]
Trans. Hist. Soc. of Lancs. and Cheshire
[Economic History Review, Vol. 4, No. 3 (Oct., 1933), p.380 cites 82.]
Trans. Hist. Society of Lancs. & Cheshire
[Economic History Review, New Series, Vol. 19, No. 2 (1966), p.497 cites CXV.]
Trans. Historic Soc. Lancashire and Cheshire
[Burlington Mag. Connoiss., Vol. 46, No. 267 (Jun., 1925), p.307 cites 1920.]
Trans. Historic Soc. Lancs. & Ches.
[Economic History Review, New Series, Vol. 20, No. 2 (Aug., 1967), p.374 cites CXVI.]
Trans. Historic Soc. Lancs. & Cheshire
[Economic History Review, New Series, Vol. 20, No. 2 (Aug., 1967), p.372 cites XCVI.]
Trans. Historic Soc. Lancs. and Ches.
[Past and Present, No. 168 (Aug., 2000), p.160 cites cxix (1967).]
Trans. Historic Soc. Lancs. and Cheshire
[Past and Present, No. 64 (Aug., 1974), p.21 cites cxii (1960).]
Trans. Historic Soc. of Lancashire & Cheshire
[Folklore, Vol. 64, No. 4 (Dec., 1953), p.506 cites vol. 103, 1951 (pub. 1952).]
Trans. Historic Soc. of Lancashire and Cheshire
[English Historical Rev., Vol. 102, No. 403 (Apr., 1987), p.383 cites cxxviii (1979).]
Trans. Historic Soc. of Lancs. and Ches.
[Past and Present, No. 86 (Feb., 1980), p.77 cites cxxiv (1972).]
Trans. Historic Society Lancs. and Cheshire
[Economic History Review, New Series, Vol. 29, No. 3 (Aug., 1976), p.509 cites CXVII, 1965.]
Trans. Historic Society of Lancs. and Cheshire
[Britannia, Vol. 33 (2002), p.274 cites 105, 1953.]
Trans. Lancs. Chesh. Hist. Soc.
[Trans. Instit. Brit. Geog., New Series, Vol. 17, No. 3 (1992), p.366 cites 115, 1964.]
Trans. of the Hist. Soc. of Lancashire and Cheshire
[Trans. Ethnol. Soc. Lond., Vol. 1. (1861), p.30 cites vol. viii.]
Trans. of the Hist. Soc. of Lancs, and Chesh.
[Economic History Review, New Series, Vol. 11, No. 3 (1959), p.436 cites CVI (1954).]
Trans. of the Hist. Soc. of Lancs. and Cheshire
[Rev. Engl. Studies, New Series, Vol. 25, No. 99 (Aug., 1974), p.261 cites N.S. iv, cont. ser. xl (1890 for 1888).]
Transactions of the Hist. Society of Lancashire and Cheshire
[J. Brit. Studies, Vol. 22, No. 2 (Spring, 1983), p.6 cites v. 128 (1978).]
Transactions of the Historic Soc. of Lancashire and Cheshire
[English Historical Rev., Vol. 107, No. 424 (Jul., 1992), p.651 cites cxxiii (1972).]
Transactions of the Historic Society of Lancs. and Cheshire
[Rev. Engl. Studies, New Series, Vol. 38, No. 150 (May, 1987), p.185 cites NS 126 (1976).]
