Scholarly Societies Project

Struve on Literature and the Use of Libraries
Author: Burkhard Gotthelf Struve (26 May 1671 - 25 May 1738) [in Latin: Burcardus Gotthelfius Struvius]
Title of the 6th (final) edition of 1754: Burcardi Gotth. Struvii Introductio In Notitiam Rei Litterariae Et Usum Bibliothecarum : Auctoris Ipsius Mstis Observationibus, Coleri, Lilienthalii, Koecheri, Aliorumque Virorum Literatissimorum Notis Tam Editis Quam Ineditis ; Aucta, Illustrata Et Ad Nostra Usque Tempora Producta
Short Title: Introductio In Notitiam Rei Litterariae Et Usum Bibliothecarum [An Introduction to the Knowledge of Literature and the Use of Libraries]
Associated People: Fischerus, Johannes Christianus Sonstige Person: Colerus, Christophorus Sonstige Person: Lilienthalius, Michael Sonstige Person: Koecherus, Johannes Christophorus
This esteemed work was produced in a total of six editions:
  • 1st ed. = 1704
  • 2nd ed. = 1706
  • 3rd ed. = 1710
  • 4th ed. = 1715 (appeared 1716) ]; this edition was dedicated to Guntherus, Antonius
  • 5th ed. = 1729 [with additions by Colerus, Johann Christoph *1691-1736* Identity ; Lilienthal, Michael *1686-1750*]
  • 6th ed. = 1754 [edited by Fischer, Johann Christian *1707-1793*] with ref to Colerus, Christophorus *1602-1658* Identity ; Lilienthal, Michael *1686-1750* Identity ; Koecher, Johann Christoph *1699-1772* Identity

A digitized version of the entire 1754 edition is found at: Struve (1754)
Last Updated: 2024, March 9
The 1754 Edition's Listing of Early Scholarly Societies
The 32 headers below form a table of contents of Chapter Ten.
This table of contents is located on pp.884-885.
We have preserved the "long s" which was a feature
of older typography, particularly in Latin text.
Digitized version: Struve (1754) [pp.884-926]
Last Updated: 2024, February 24


Struve's Header
Screen Shots
of the Pages
Contents of the Pages
Table of Contents
{Struve pp.884-885}
Page 884
The Substance of p.884
Page 885
The Substance of p.885
§. I. Quinam de eruditorum
ſocietatibus ſcripſerunt.

[English Translation ???]
{Struve pp.885-887}
Page 885
Our Entry #1
Page 886
Our Entry #2
Page 887
Our Entry #2
§. II. Platonis Academia.
[The Academy of Plato.]
{Struve pp.887-888}
Page 887
The Substance of p.887
Page 888
The Substance of p.888
§. III. Ciceronis Academia.
[The Academy of Cicero.]
{Struve p.888}
Page 888
The Substance of p.888
§. IV. Plures apud veteres
eruditorum ſocietates.

[English translation]
{Struve pp.888-889}
Page 888
The Substance of p.888
Page 889
The Substance of p.889
§. V. Societas abbreuiatorum
apud Italos.

[English Translation?]
{Struve pp.889-890}
Page 889
The Substance of p.889
Page 890
The Substance of p.890
§. VI. Venetorum Acade-

[Venetian Academies]
{Struve pp.890-892}
Page 890
The Substance of p.890
Page 891
The Substance of p.891
Page 892
The Substance of p.892
§. VII. Patauinorum Aca-

[Paduan Academies?]
{Struve p.892}
Page 892
The Substance of p.892
§. VIII. Aliarum urbium
ditionis Venetae Acade-

[Venetian academies in
other cities in the region?]
{Struve pp.892-893}
Page 892
The Substance of p.892
Page 893
The Substance of p.893
§. IX. Academiae Romanae.
[Roman academies]
{Struve pp.893-895}
Page 893
The Substance of p.893
Page 894
The Substance of p.894
Page 895
The Substance of p.895
§. X. Academiae in terris

[Academies in Papal regions.]
{Struve p.895}
Page 895
The Substance of p.895
§. XI. Academiae Bononien-

[Bolognan academies.]
{Struve pp.895-897}
Page 895
The Substance of p.895
Page 896
The Substance of p.896
Page 897
The Substance of p.897
§. XII. Academiae Neapoli-
tanae & aliae Hiſpanae
ditionis in Italia.

[Academies in Naples and
other Hispanic areas
in Italy.]
{Struve pp.897-898}
Page 897
The Substance of p.897
Page 898
The Substance of p.898
§. XIII. Academia Floren-

[The Florentine Academy.]
{Struve pp.898-899}
Page 898
This appears to be the Accademia degli Umidi founded in 1540 by Mazzuoli, and in 1541 named the Accademia Fiorentina o Società di Eloquenza; it is often referred to simply as the Accademia Fiorentina
Page 899
The Substance of p.899
§. XIV. Aliae Florentino-
rum Academiae.

[The Florentine Academy.]
{Struve pp.899-900}
Page 899
The Substance of p.899
Page 900
The Substance of p.900
§. XV. Senenſium & Piſa-
norum Academiae.

[Academies in ???]
{Struve p.900}
Page 900
The Substance of p.900
§. XVI. Parmenſium & alio-
rum Italorum Academiae.

[English Translation]
{Struve p.900}
Page 900
The Substance of p.900
§. XVII. Priuatorum apud
Gallos ſocietates litterariae.

[English Translation]
{Struve pp.901-902}
Page 901
The Substance of p.901
Page 902
The Substance of p.902
§. XVIII. Academia Francica.
[The French Academy.]
{Struve pp.903-905}
Page 903
Our Entry #1
Académie Française
Page 904
The Substance of p.904
Page 905
The Substance of p.905
§. XIX. Academia Inſcri-
ptionum & Numismatum.

[English Translation]
{Struve pp.905-907}
Page 905
The Substance of p.905
Page 906
The Substance of p.906
Page 907
The Substance of p.907
§. XX. Regia ſcientiarum

[Royal Academy of Sciences.]
{Struve pp.907-909}
Page 907
The Substance of p.907
Page 908
The Substance of p.908
Page 909
The Substance of p.909
§. XXI. Aliae Gallorum A-

[Other French Academies.]
{Struve pp.909-913}
Page 909
The Substance of p.909
Page 910
The Substance of p.910
Page 911
The Substance of p.911
Page 912
The Substance of p.912
Page 913
The Substance of p.913
§. XXII. Societas Atheni-
enſis apud Anglos.

[The English Athenian Society]
{Struve pp.913-915}
Page 913
Probably the 1691 society founded by John Dunton
Page 914
The Substance of p.914
Page 915
The Substance of p.915
§. XXIII. Collegium anti-
quitatum Vpſaliense.

[English Translation]
{Struve pp.915-916}
Page 915
The Substance of p.915
Page 916
The Substance of p.916
§. XXIV. Societas Germa-
norum Frugifera.

[English Translation]
{Struve pp.916-918}
Page 916
Our Entry #1
probably the Fruchtbringende Gesellschaft
Page 917
The Substance of p.917
Page 918
The Substance of p.918
§. XXV. Collegium Natu-
rae Curioſorum.

[English Translation]
{Struve pp.918-920}
Page 918
The Substance of p.918
Page 919
The Substance of p.919
Page 920
The Substance of p.920
§. XXVI. Collegium Impe-
riale Hiſtoricum.

[English Translation]
{Struve pp.920-921}
Page 920
The Substance of p.920
Page 921
The Substance of p.921
§. XXVII. Conuentis eru-
ditorum Berolinenſes.

[Berlin Meetings of Scholars]
Page 921
The Substance of p.921
§. XXVIII. Academia Re-
gia ſcientiarum Berolinenſis.

[English Translation]
{Struve pp.922-923}
Page 922
The Substance of p.922
Page 923
The Substance of p.923
§. XXIX. Collegium Gellia-
num Lipſienſe.

[English Translation]
{Struve pp.923-924}
Page 923
Our Entry #1
Collegium Gellianum in Leipzig
(1641–1679) JSTOR
Page 924
The Substance of p.924
§. XXX. Societas Pythago-
rea Ienenſis.

[English Translation]
{Struve p.924}
Page 924
Our Entry #1
Societas Pythagorea in
Alma Salana [i.e. Jena] founded 1672
§. XXXI. Societas Disqui-
rentium Ienenſis.

[English Translation]
{Struve pp.924-925}
Page 924
Our entry #1
Societas disquirentium in Jena
Page 925
The Substance of p.925
§. XXXII. Societas Scru-
tantium Kilonenſis.

[English Translation]
{Struve p.926}
Page 926
Our Entry #1
Societas Scrutantium founded
in Kiel in 1699 by Majus
