Patriotische Gesellschaft in Schlesien
Patriotic Society in Silesia
Founding of the Society
Authority / Notes
According to
Gerber (1988), pp.5-7,
this society was founded in 1771 as the
Patriotische Gesellschaft in Schlesien;
it ceased in 1791.
Gerber (1988), p.6 indicates that, according to
the 1772 Statutes of the Society, it was to be devoted to the advancement
of agriculture, trade and industry.
Gerber (1988), pp.7-8 notes that in some sense
Schlesische Gesellschaft für Vaterländische Cultur
(founded 1803)
may be considered the legitimate successor to the
Patriotische Gesellschaft in Schlesien.
Seat of the Society
Authority / Notes
Breslau, Silesia
Gerber (1988), p.6 makes it clear that the seat
of this Society was Breslau.
Name of the Society
1771 - 1791
Patriotische Gesellschaft in Schlesien
Gerber (1988), pp.5-7 establishes the start date
for this name;
it also gives the end date, and no indication that the name had changed.
Journals of the Society
Full Journal Title
1773 - 1779
(1. - 7.)
Oekonomische Nachrichten der Patriotischen Gesellschaft in Schlesien
Continued by B.
Indexed Reuss
[GBV German Union cat.]
Oeconom. Nachr. der Gesellsch. in Schlesien
[Reuss, v.1, p.30 cites B.7; p.31 cites B.2, B.4,
B.5 & B.7.]
Oekon. Nachr. der Gesellsch. in Schlesien
[Reuss, v.7, p.20 cites B.3.]
Oekonom. Nachr. der Ges. in Schlesien
[Reuss, v.1, p.171 cites B.7;
v.6, p.23 cites B.1, 3, 6, & 7.]
Oekonom. Nachr. der Gesellsch. in Schlesien
[Reuss, v.4, p.49 cites B.3 & B.6; v.1, p.200
cites B.5; v.6, p.16 cites B.3;
v.6, p.24 cites Bd. 1, 2, 3, 4, 7; v.6, p.25 cites Bd. 1, 2, & 5.]
1780 - 1784
(1. - 5.)
Der Patriotischen Gesellschaft in Schlesien neue oekonomische
Continues A.
Indexed Reuss
[GBV German Union cat.]
Neue Oekon. Nachr. der Ges. in Schlesien
[Reuss, v.1, p.79 cites B.2.]
Neue Oekon. Nachr. der Gesellsch. in Schlesien
[Reuss, v.7, p.73 cites B.1;
v.6, p.25 cites Bd. 1, & 4.]
Neue Oekonom. Nachr. der Gesellsch. in Schlesien
[Reuss, v.4, p.77 cites B.4;
v.6, p.25 cites B.1.]
1786, März - Nov.[?]
(1 - 9)
Der Patriotischen Gesellschaft in Schlesien Natur-, Haushaltungs-
und Geschichts-Calender für Schleseien : auf das Jahr ..
[GBV German Union cat.]