Societas Disputatoria Medica Hauniensis
Medical Debating Society of Copenhagen


Founding of the Society
Authority / Notes
1785 - 1787
This date is supported by p.14 of Genner, where we also learn that this Society was formed byMatthias Saxtorph (1740-1800) in deliberate opposition to Johan Clemens Tode (1736-1806). Tode, Saxtorph and Henrich Callisen (1740-1828) had founded the Societas Exercitatoria Medica in 1774 in Copenhagen. But by the time the latter society had ceased in 1785, some bad feeling had evidently grown up between Tode and Saxtorph. Other information on the history of this Society is given on pp.14-17 of Genner.

On p.15, Genner indicates that a journal was planned, and its title in English would have been Danish Medical Magazine. It is not clear that this ever happened.

On p.17 of Genner, we learn that this new society collapsed at the same time that Tode retaliated by forming the Societas Philiatrica in 1787; the latter survived only until 1791.

Seat of the Society
Authority / Notes
This location is supported by p.15 of Genner.
Name of the Society
1785 - 1787 Societas Disputatoria Medica Haunienis =
Medical Debating Society of Copenhagen
These dates and the Latin name are supported by p.14 of Genner.
The Society is defunct.
