Botanical Society of the British Isles
Founding of the Society
Authority / Notes
According to its website
(), the Botanical Society of the British Isles traces its origins to the founding in 1836 of the Botanical Society of London.
According to Allen (1986), p.11, the founding of the Botanical Society of London was accomplished through a series of inaugural meetings beginning on 1836, July 27. The name chosen at the July 27 meeting was Practical Botanists' Society of London, but this was rejected at the next inaugural meeting in favour of the name Botanical Society of London. According to Allen (1986), pp.58-60, the Botanical Society of London was dissolved on 1856, November 24 because of serious financial problems; the hope was that a new Society would be begun to carry on the various functions of the the
Botanical Society of London.
According to Allen (1986), p.69,
John George Baker, one of the most active of the botanical exchange distributors in the former Society, took steps to keep the exchange service available until such time as the awaited new Society might be set up. He had recently set up a small natural history society at Thirsk
(the Thirsk Natural History Society). Allen (1986), p.71 indicates that in 1857, November, the
Thirsk Natural History Society set up a sub-society known as the
Thirsk Botanical Exchange Club to carry on this service. This Club attracted many of the best exchangers in the country, most of them ex-members of the Botanical Society of London. The Club was eventually given the records of the latter Society, so, to some extent, it may be considered the legitimate successor to it. According to Allen (1986), pp.74-76, unfortunately, on the night of 1864, May 9, a fire consumed almost all of Baker's possessions; Baker remained in the Sussex area until he was offered a position at the Kew Herbarium eighteen months later. Since Baker had to leave the area, he indicated in 1866, January to Hewett Cottrell Watson, the guiding light of the former
Botanical Society of London, that the Thirsk Club would have to be dissolved until the London botanists could find some way of continuing it themselves. Watson counselled him to seek help.
According to Allen (1986), pp.76-77, in the end, Baker was joined by Henry Trimen in establishing the new club, known as the
London Botanical Exchange Club in 1866 (and at that point, the
Thirsk Natural History Society ceased); the following year (1867) the London designation was dropped, so that the name was now simply the
Botanical Exchange Club. In 1884, December, the Watson Botanical Exchange Club, an alternative club catering to beginners to the field of botany was founded
(Allen (1986)), pp.83-84). In the beginning there was only a small overlap in membership between the two clubs, but the degree of overlap was to increase over the years.
The record for the Report of the Watson Botanical Exchange Club in the Oxford Univ. cat. indicates that in 1935 the Watson Botanical Exchange Club merged with the Botanical Exchange Club to form the Botanical Society and Exchange Club of the British Isles. Allen (1986), pp.128-129, however, indicates that in 1934, although three-quarters of the members of the Watson Botanical Exchange Club by that time also belonged to the London-based Botanical Exchange Club and the former Club had fallen on hard times, the membership of the former Society voted to dissolve their Society rather than to merge with the London-based Botanical Exchange Club.
According to Allen (1986), p.138, in October 1947 the Society voted to change its name to Botanical Society of the British Isles.
Seat of the Society
Authority / Notes
This location is supported by its website
Name of the Society
1836 - 1856
Botanical Society of London
Allen (1986), p.11 gives the founding year.
Allen (1986), p.58 gives the date of dissolution.
1857 - 1866
Botanical Exchange Club / Thirsk Natural History Society
Allen (1986), p.71 gives the start date of the sub-body, the Club.
Allen (1986), pp.76-77 gives the cessation date of both bodies.
1866 - 1867
London Botanical Exchange Club
Allen (1986), pp.76-77 gives the start date for this name.
Allen (1986), pp.76-77 gives the end date for this name.
1867 - 1879
Botanical Exchange Club
Allen (1986), pp.76-77 gives the start date for this name.
A record in the Oxford Univ. cat. gives this end date.
1879 - 1907
Botanical Exchange Club of the British Isles
A record in the National Lib. Scotland cat. gives the start date for this name.
A record in the National Lib. Scotland cat. gives the end date for this name.
1884 - 1934
Watson Botanical Exchange Club
Allen (1986), pp.83-84 gives the start date.
Allen (1986), pp.128-129 gives the end date.
1908 - 1912
Botanical Exchange Club and Society of the British Isles
Allen (1986), pp.94-95 gives the start date of this name.
Allen (1986), p.98 gives the start date of the next name.
1912 - 1947
Botanical Society and Exchange Club of the British Isles
Allen (1986), p.98 gives the start date of this name.
Allen (1986), p.138 gives the end date of this name.
1947 -
Botanical Society of the British Isles
Allen (1986), p.138 gives the start date of this name.
Botanical Society of the British Isles
Journals of the Society
Full Journal Title
1836/1838 [1839] (1.)
Proceedings of the Botanical Society of London
1862 - 1865
Curators' Report. Botanical Exchange Club / Thirsk Natural History Society
Continued by C.
[Oxford Univ. cat.]
Thirsk Nat. Hist. Bot. Exch. Club Cur. Rep.
No. 3, (Jan. 1, 1984), p.452 cites 1864 (1865).]
1866 - 1868
Report of the Curators. London Botanical Exchange Club
Continues B.
Continued by D.
[Oxford Univ. cat.]
1869 - 1879
Report of the Curator. Botanical Exchange Club
Continues C.
Continued by E.
[Oxford Univ. cat.]
1879 - 1934 (v.1 - v. 10)
Report. Botanical Exchange Club of the British Isles
The record in the Oxford Univ. cat. gives the title for the entire 1879 - 1934 run as Report. Botanical Exchange Club of the British Isles.
The record in the National Lib. Scotland cat., however, gives the title as Report for ... / Botanical Exchange Club of the British Isles only for the run from 1879 -1907 (pub. 1880-1908, and corresponding to Vol.1 and part of Vol.2), but indicates that the title for the 1908 - 1913 portion of this run (pub. in 1909 - 1914, and corresponding to part of Vol. 2 and all of Vol.3) was Report for ... / Botanical Exchange Club and Society of the British Isles.
The record in the National Lib. Scotland cat., also indicates that the title from 1914 - 1946/1947 (pub. 1915 - 1948, and corresponding to Vol. 4, pt.1 - v.13, pt.4) was Report of the Botanical Society and Exchange Club of the British Isles for ....
According to Allen (1986), pp.94-95 the addition of "and Society" occurred with the 1908 Report.
Allen (1986) p.98 indicates that the shift to "Society and" occurred from the 1912 Report onward.
Continues D.
Continued by G.
[Oxford Univ. cat.;
National Lib. Scotland cat.]
Bot. Exch. Cl. [New Phytologist, Vol. 36, No. 1 (Feb. 24, 1937), p.32 cites 1 (1880).] Bot. Exch. Cl. Brit. Isles [Bull. Jard. Bot. Nat. Belg., Vol. 47, No. 1/2 (Jun. 30, 1977), p.110 cites 3 (1914).] Bot. Exch. Club Brit. Is., Rept. [Taxon, Vol. 6, No. 7 (Sep., 1957), p.198 cites 1916.] Bot. Exch. Club Brit. Isles. Rep. [Bull. Jard. Bot. Nat. Belg., Vol. 38, No. 3 (September 1968), p.345 cites 2 (1909).] Bot. Exch. Club Brit. Isles, Report [Bull. Jard. Bot Nat. Belg., Vol. 53, No. 3/4 (December 1983), p.508 cites 1883.] Bot. Exch. Club British Isl. [Am. J. Botany, Vol. 10, No. 6 (Jun., 1923), p.306 cites 3, 1914.] Bot. Exch. Club Rep. [J. Ecology, Vol. 6, No. 1 (Mar., 1918), p.74 cites 1914.] Bot. Exch. Club Report [J. Ecology, Vol. 41, No. 2 (Aug., 1953), p.288 cites 1922.] Bot. Exch. Club, Rept. [Am. Midland Naturalist, Vol. 26, No. 1 (Jul., 1941), p.5 cites 1913, 3 (1914).] Bot. Exch. Club Sec. Brit. Isles Sup. [Am. Midland Naturalist, Vol. 33, No. 2 (Mar., 1945), p.500 cites 1913 (1914), with one clear typographical error.] Bot. Exch. Club & Soc. Brit. Isles, Rep. [Taxon, Vol. 16, No. 6 (Dec., 1967), p.498 cites 3, 1913 (1914).] Bot. Exch. Club & Soc. Brit. Isles Rept. [Ann. Missouri Bot. Garden, Vol. 31, No. 4 (Oct., 1944), p.373 cites 3, 1914.] Bot. Exch. Club Soc. Brit. Isles, Rep. [Bull. Jard. Bot. Nat. Belg., Vol. 39, No. 1 (Mar. 31, 1969), p.77 cites 3 (1914).] Bot. Soc. & Exch. Club [Bull. Misc. Info. (Roy. Gard, Kew), Vol. 1930, Appendix 1, 1929 (1930), p.30 cites 1928, vol. viii.] Bot. Soc. & Exch. Club Brit. Isles [Botanical Rev., Vol. 8, No. 10 (Dec., 1942), p.700 cites 1930 Report (1931).] Bot. Soc. & Exch. Club British Isles [Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, Vol. 51, No. 7 (Jul., 1924), p.329 cites 6, 1923.] Bot. Soc. & Exchange Club Brit. Isles, Rep. [Biog. Mem. Fell. Roy. Soc., Vol. 17, (Nov., 1971), p.697 cites 5, 1920.] Bot. Soc. and Exch. Cl. Brit. Isl. Rep. [Mem. Am. Acad. Arts Sci., Vol. 17, No. 1, (Jul. 27, 1932), p.75 cites vi (1923).] Bot. Soc. and Exch. Club [New Phytologist, Vol. 45, No. 2 (Dec., 1946), p.270 cites 6 (1920).] Bot. Soc. Exch. Cl. Brit. Isl. Rep. [Mem. Am. Acad. Arts Sci., New Series, Vol. 17, No. 1, (Jul. 27, 1932), p.87 cites v (1920) and ix (1930).] Bot. Soc. Exch. Cl. Brit. Isles [Taxon, Vol. 37, No. 2 (May, 1988), p.512 cites 8, 1928.] Bot. Soc. Exch. Club. Brit. Isl., Rep. [Bull. Jard. Bot. Nat. Belg., Vol. 44, No. 1/2 (June 1974), p.44 cites 4 (1917).] Bot. Soc. Exch. Club Brit. Isles Rep. [Bull. Jard. Bot. Nat. Belg., Vol. 40, No. 3 (October 1970), p.275 cites 4 (1917).] Bot. Soc. Exch. Club Rep. [J. Ecology, Vol. 33, No. 2 (Jul., 1946), p.213 cites 10 (1932).] Bot. Soc. Exchange Club Brit. Isles Rep. [Biog. Mem. Fell. Roy. Soc., Vol. 17, (Nov., 1971), p.700 cites 1930, 9.] Rep. B.E.C. [J. Ecology, Vol. 31, No. 1 (May 17, 1943), p.57 cites 1903, 1910, 1913, 1914, 1916, 1917, 1920, 1921, 1924, 1925, 1927, 1928, 1929, and 1931.] Rep. Bot. Exch. Cl. [J. Ecology, Vol. 39, No. 2 (Dec., 1951), p.406 cites 10 (1932).] Rep. Bot. Exch. Cl. Brit. Is. [Kew Bulletin, Vol. 22, No. 1 (1968), p.162 cites 1916 (1917).] Rep. Bot. Exch. Cl. Brit. Isles [Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, Vol. 59, No. 3 (Mar., 1932), p.142 cites 1924, 7.] Rep. Bot. Exch. Cl. Soc. Brit. Isl. [Willdenowia, Bd. 2, H. 3 (Mar. 29, 1960), p.304 cites 3 (Suppl. 2.), 1914.] Rep. Bot. Exch. Cl. Soc. Brit. Isles [Kew Bulletin, Vol. 33, No. 4 (1979), p.636 cites 1913 (1914).] Rep. Bot. Exch. Club [J. Ecology, Vol. 13, No. 1 (Jan., 1925), p.90 cites 37, 1880-1.] Rep. Bot. Exch. Club Br. Is. [Taxon, Vol. 34, No. 1 (Feb., 1985), p.155 cites 1913, 3.] Rep. Bot. Exch. Club Br. Isl. [J. Appl. Ecology, Vol. 13, No. 3 (Dec., 1976), p.990 cites 4 (1914).] Rep. Bot. Exch. Club Br. Isles [Taxon, Vol. 53, No. 3 (Aug., 2004), p.723 cites 4, 1917.] Rep. Bot. Exch. Club Brit. Is. [Englera, No. 3, (Jan. 1, 1984), p.232 cites 3 (1914).] Rep. Bot. Exch. Club Brit. Isl. [Bull. Misc. Info. (Roy. Gard. Kew), Vol. 1923, No. 10 (1923), p.385 cites 1916.] Rep. Bot. Exch. Club Brit. Isles [Bull. Misc. Info. (Roy. Gard. Kew), Vol. 1927, No. 5 (1927), p.197 cites 1916 (1917).] Rep. Bot. Exchange Cl. [Botanical Rev., Vol. 15, No. 10, (Dec., 1949), p.685 cites 1930.] Rep. Bot. Exchange Club [J. Ecology, Vol. 18, No. 2 (Aug., 1930), p.379 cites 7, 1924.] Rep. Bot. Soc. & Exch. Club [Bull. Misc. Info. (Roy. Gard. Kew), Vol. 1922, No. 1 (1922), p.47 cites 1920.] Rep. Bot. Soc. & Exch. Club Brit. Isles [Bull. Misc. Info. (Roy. Gard. Kew), Vol. 1932, No. 2 (1932), p.111 cites 1920.] Rep. Bot. Soc. and Exch. Club of Brit. Isles [New Phytologist, Vol. 17, No. 1/2 (Jan. - Feb., 1918), p.39 cites Vol. V, 1915.] Rep. Bot. (Soc.) Exch. Cl. [Phil. Trans., B Vol. 234, No. 615 (Aug. 23, 1950), p.466 cites 2, 1908.] Rep. Bot. Soc. Exch. Cl. Br. Isles [Kew Bulletin, Vol. 16, No. 1 (1962), p.107 cites 4 (1916, suppl.2).] Rep. Bot. Soc. Exch. Cl. Brit. Isles [Bull. Jard. Bot. Nat. Belg., Vol. 56, No. 3/4 (December 1986), p.485 cites 1913, 3.] Rep. Bot. Soc. Exch. Cl. British Isles [Bull. Jard. Bot. Brux., Vol. 26, Fasc. 2 (June 1956), p.223 cites VI (1922).] Rep. Bot. Soc. Exch. Club [Kew Bulletin, Vol. 27, No. 3 (1972), p.546 cites 4 (1917).] Rep. bot. Soc. Exch. Club Br. Isl. [J. Ecology, Vol. 60, No. 1 (Mar., 1972), p.268 cites 8 (1927).] Rep. Bot. Soc. Exch. Club Brit. Isl. [Bull. Jard. Bot. Brux., Vol. 31, Fasc. 3 (September 1961), p.356 cites 1928, VIII. (1929).] Rep. Bot. Soc. Exch. Club Brit. Isles [Taxon, Vol. 9, No. 4 (Apr. - May, 1960), p.100 cites 1932.] Rep. Bot. Soc. Exchange Club British Isles [Folia Geobot. Phytotax., Vol. 29, No. 3 (1994), p.384 cites 1929, 9.] Rep. Botl Exch. Club Br. Isl. [J. Ecology, Vol. 65, No. 2 (Jul., 1977), p.715 cites 2 (1909) and 5 (1918).] Rep. botl Soc. Exch. Club Br. Isl. [J. Ecology, Vol. 53, No. 3 (Nov., 1965), p.812 cites 1905.] Rep. Brit. Exch. Club [Taxon, Vol. 26, No. 5/6 (Nov., 1977), p.583 cites 1907 (1908).] Rep. Exch. Club Brit. Isl. [Brittonia, Vol. 30, No. 1 (Jan. - Mar., 1978), p.108 cites 1916 (1917).] Rep. Exch. Club Brit. Isles [Am. J. Botany, Vol. 18, No. 6 (Jun., 1931), p.412 cites 1916 (1917).] Rep. of Bot. Exch. Club [New Phytologist, Vol. 11, No. 9 (Nov., 1912), p.358 cites (1911), 1912.] Report Bot. Exch. Club [Willdenowia, Bd. 4, H. 2 (Dec. 1, 1966), p.195 cites 1926.] Report Bot. Soc. Exch. Club. Br. Isl. [J. Biogeography, Vol. 26, No. 6 (Nov., 1999), p.1297 cites 9 (1931).] Report of Botanical Exch. Club of Brit. Isles [Taxon, Vol. 16, No. 5 (Oct., 1967), p.469 cites 1913, 3.] Reports of Bot. Exch. Club [Am. J. Botany, Vol. 30, No. 7 (Jul., 1943), p.462 cites 1933.] Rept. Bot. Exch. Cl. Brit. Isles [Ann. Missouri Bot. Garden, Vol. 20, No. 1 (Feb., 1933), p.124 cites 3, 1914.] Rept. Bot. Exch. Club Brit. Isl. [Ann. Missouri Bot. Garden, Vol. 32, No. 4 (Nov., 1945), p.404 cites 3, 1914.] Rept. Bot. Exch. Club Brit. Isles [Trans. Am. Phil. Soc., New Series, Vol. 24, No. 2 (Jun., 1935), p.65 cites 4, 1917.] Rept. Bot. Soc. Brit. Isles [Biog. Mem. Fell. Roy. Soc., Vol. 14, (Nov., 1968), p.266 cites 1927.] Supplement to Rep. bot. Exch. Club [J. Ecology, Vol. 48, No. 1 (Feb., 1960), p.95 cites 6 (1922).]
1884 - 1934
Report of the Watson Botanical Exchange Club
The record in the Oxford Univ. cat. indicates that in 1935 the Watson Botanical Exchange Club merged with the
Botanical Exchange Club to form the Botanical Society and Exchange Club of the British Isles.
Continued by G.
[Oxford Univ. cat.]
Ann. Rep. Watson Bot. Exch. Club
Beiheft, No. 11, (1977), p.167 cites 34, 1917/18.]
Rep. Wats. B.E.C.
[J. Ecology,
Vol. 31, No. 1 (May 17, 1943), p.57 cites 1929]
1935 - 1947 (Vol. 11 - v. 13)
Report of the Botanical Society and Exchange Club of the British Isles
Continues E.
Continues F.
Continued by H.
[Oxford Univ. cat.]
Bot. Exch. Club [Kew Bulletin, Vol. 2, No. 1 (1947), p.7 cites 1945 Report (1946).] Bot. Exch. Club Rep. [J. Ecology, Vol. 52, No. 3 (Nov., 1964), p.765 cites 12 (1939) and 12 (1944).] Bot. Soc. & Exch. Club of the Brit. Isl. [Botanical Rev., Vol. 20, No. 10, Dec., 1954), p.649 cites 11, 1938.] Bot. Soc. & Exchange Club Brit. Isles, Rep. [Biog. Mem. Fell. Roy. Soc., Vol. 17, (Nov., 1971), p.702 cites 11, 1936.] Bot. Soc. and Exch. Club [Bull. Misc. Info. (Roy. Gard. Kew), Vol. 1936, No. 10 (1936), p.572 cites 1935 Report (1936).] Bot. Soc. Exch. Cl. Brit. Isles [Bull. Jard. Bot. Nat. Belg., Vol. 47, No. 1/2 (Jun. 30, 1977), p.115 cites 13 (1948).] Bot. Soc. Exch. Club Brit. Isl. Rep. [Evolution, Vol. 42, No. 6 (Nov., 1988), p.1355 cites 12, 1944.] Bot. Soc. Exch. Club Brit. Isles [Bull. Jard. Bot. Nat. Belg., Vol. 40, No. 4 (December 1970), p.403 cites 13 (1948).] Bot. Soc. Exch. Club Brit. Isles, Rep. [Bull. Jard. Bot. Nat. Belg., Vol. 41, No. 2 (Jun. 30, 1971), p.292 cites 13 (1948).] Bot. Soc. Exch. Club Brit. Isles Report [Taxon, Vol. 29, No. 5/6 (Nov., 1980), p.611 cites 1935 (1936).] Bot. Soc. Exch. Club Brit. Isls. [Am. J. Botany, Vol. 37, No. 1 (Jan., 1950), p.37 cites 13, 1948.] Bot. Soc. Exch. Club, Rep. [Kew Bulletin, Vol. 4, No. 1 (1949), p.17 cites 1946-47 (1948).] Botan. Soc. Exch. Cl. Brit. Isles [Bull. Jard. Bot. Brux., Vol. 29, Fasc. 4 (Dec. 31, 1959), p.305 cites XIII. Report for 1945.] Rep. B.E.C. [J. Ecology, Vol. 31, No. 1 (May 17, 1943), p.57 cites 1937.] Rep. Bot. Exch. Cl. [Bull. Misc. Info. (Roy. Gard. Kew), Vol. 1940, No. 1 (1940), p.29 cites 1937 (1938).] Rep. Bot. Exch. Club [Kew Bulletin, Vol. 42, No. 1 (1987), p.10 cites 1941-2.] Rep. Bot. Soc. Brit. Isles [Willdenowia, Bd. 23, H. 1/2 (Dec. 8, 1993), p.79 cites 11 (1938).] Rep. Bot. Soc. & Exch. Club Brit. [J. Range Management, Vol. 33, No. 4 (Jul., 1980), p.261 cites 13, 1948.] Rep. Bot. (Soc.) Exch. Cl. [J. Ecology, Vol. 31, No. 1 (May 17, 1943), p.59 cites 1936.] Rep. Bot. Soc. Exch. Club [Botanical Rev., Vol. 7, No. 10 (Oct., 1941), p.542 cites 11 (1937).] Rep. Bot. Soc. Exch. Club Brit. Is. [Taxon, Vol. 35, No. 3 (Aug., 1986), p.559 cites 12 (1946) and 13 (1947).] Rep. botl Soc. Exch. Club Br. Isl. [J. Ecology, Vol. 54, No. 2 (Jul., 1966), p.382 cites 12 (1939) and 12 (1944).] Report Bot. Soc. Exch. Club. Br. Isl. [J. Biogeography, Vol. 26, No. 6 (Nov., 1999), p.1296 cites 13 (1946).] Report of the Bot. Exch. Club [Biog. Mem. Fell. Roy. Soc., Vol. 14, (Nov., 1968), p.267 cites 1936 (1937).]
1949, Jan. - (Vol. 1, no. 1 - )
The record in the Oxford Univ. cat. indicates the following note in the journal: "Journal and Proceedings of the Botanical Society of the British Isles."
The record in the Oxford Univ. cat. also indicates that Vol. 8 (1970) - includes Proceedings of the Society, which were issued as a separate series, from 1954-1969, i.e. J.
Continues G.
Continues A.
Absorbed J.
[Oxford Univ. cat.]
1949 - 1953
Yearbook / Botanical Society of the British Isles
Continued by J.
Yearb. Bot. Soc. Brit. Isles
[J. Ecology,
Vol. 41, No. 2 (Aug., 1953), p.465 cites 1950.]
Yearbook Bot. Soc. Brit. Isles
No. 5, (1985), p.206 cites 1951.]
1954/1955 - 1967/1969 (v.1 - v.7)
Proceedings of the Botanical Society of the British Isles
Continues I.
Absorbed by H.
Bot. Soc. Br. Isles Proc. [Taxon, Vol. 52, No. 1 (Feb., 2003), p.140 cites 3, 1958.] Bot. Soc. Brit. Isles Proc. [Weeds, Vol. 6, No. 1 (Jan., 1958), p.82 cites 2, 1956.] Proc. bot. Soc. Br. Isl. [New Phytologist, Vol. 65, No. 4 (Oct., 1966), p.476 cites 4 (1961).] Proc. bot. Soc. Br. Isles [New Phytologist, Vol. 60, No. 2 (Aug., 1961), p.206 cites 3 (1958).] Proc. Bot. Soc. Brit. Is. [Kew Bulletin, Vol. 11, No. 1 (1956), p.34 cites 1 (1955).] Proc. Bot. Soc. Brit. Is., London [Folia Geobot. Phytotax., Vol. 5, No. 3/4 (1970), p.398 cites 3 (1958-1960).] Proc. Bot. Soc. Brit. Isl. [Bull. Jard. Bot. Nat. Belg., Vol. 42, No. 4 (December 1972), p.430 cites 3 (1958).] Proc. bot. Soc. Brit. Isles [J. Ecology, Vol. 46, No. 2 (Jul., 1958), p.535 cites 1 (1954).] Proc. Bot. Soc. British Isles [Kew Bulletin, Vol. 10, No. 1 (1955), p.29 cites 1954.] Proceed. Bot. Soc. Brit. Isles [Bull. Jard. Bot. Nat. Belg., Vol. 47, No. 1/2 (Jun. 30, 1977), p.136 cites 4 (1961).] Proceedings of the Bot. Society of the Brit. Isles [Willdenowia, Bd. 2, H. 3 (Mar. 29, 1960), p.401 cites 2, 1956.]