1757 - 1759
1760 - 1805(1804)[?]
Ephemerides ... ad meridianum Vindobonensem
1757 - 1759
Continued by
Ephemerides astronomicae ... ad meridianum Vindobonensem
1760 - 1805(1804)[?]
Bolton, p.195, #1598 gives the full
title as
Ephemerides Anni 17-- ad meridianum vindobonensem jussu
augustorum calculis definitæ a Maximiliano Hell., with a
note that there were 50 volumes covering 1756-1805.
Bolton also notes:
In 1770, by P. Antonio Pilgram; from 1782, by M. Hell and
F. de Paula Triesnecker; from 1793, by Triesnecker and
[Zeitschriftendatenbank (ZDB)]
Triesnecker's Ephemerid. astronom.
[Pogg., v.1, col.335; gives no further