Scholarly Societies Project

Chronological List of Early Independent Journals

This area is concerned with "independent journals" - that is, with journals that were not published by scholarly societies. In point of fact, in the early years of their existence, the independent journals served primarily as a vehicle for reviewing works of original reseach that were located in monographs or in the journals published by scholarly societies.

The bulk of the abbreviations of these independent journals were located through perusal of the first few hundred pages of Band 1 of Pogg..

Last Updated: 2024, October 1


1839 * Förhandlingar vid det af skandinaviska naturforskare och läkare hållna möte i Göteborg år 1839
Journal Run
Journal History
Journal Abbreviations
1840-1936 [[1]-19]
Förhandlingar vid det af skandinaviska naturforskare och läkare hållna möte i Göteborg år 1839

Continued by Förhandlingar vid de Skandinaviske naturforskarnes möte
1840-1936 [[1]-19]

This appears to have functioned as a conference, but may also have been considered a scholarly society. There is some information at: Naturforskaremöten and Naturforskarsällskapet (which has a see reference from Naturforskarsällskapet back to the above entry, suggesting that this was an alternative name, and that it was therefore in some sense a scholarly society).

[Libris: Swedish Union cat.]

Skand. Naturforsk. Mötets Förhandl.
[Pogg., v.1, col.48 cites 1842.]
