Last Updated: 2024, September 2

Scholarly Societies

Abbreviations of Journal Titles
Published by Societies Founded from 1323 to 1849


Abbreviated Journal Title
Source of Abbreviation
History Page
P. American Philosoph. S. Geographical Journal, Vol. 8, No. 5 (Nov., 1896), p.530 cites 35 (1896). 1743aps.html
P. R. I. A. Folklore, Vol. 6, No. 3 (Sep., 1895), p.223 cites 1893. 1785ria.html
P. R. Irish Acad. Man, Vol. 56 (Oct., 1956), p.135 cites an archaeological article in Vol. XXIV. 1785ria.html
Padova Acc. Atti e Mem. RSLC, v.13, p.lxix 1779aslap.html
Padova Acc. N. Saggi RSLC, v.12, p.xxvi 1779aslap.html
Padova, Accad. d. Sci., Atti Isis, Vol. 3, No. 1 (Jan., 1920), p.110 cites t. 30, 1913-1914. 1779aslap.html
Padova, Mem. Accad. RSLC, v.1, p.lix 1779aslap.html
Padova, Nuovi Saggi RSLC, v.1, p.lix 1779aslap.html
Padova, Rivista Period. RSLC, v.1, p.lix 1779aslap.html
Palermo Acc. Atti RSLC, v.12, p.xxvi; RSLC, v.13, p.lxx 1718apbg.html
Palermo, Atti RSLC, v.1, p.lix 1718apbg.html
Palermo, Effemeridi RSLC, v.1, p.lix 1831riiaams.html
Paris, Ac. Méd. Bull. RSLC, v.13, p.lxx 1820anm.html
Paris, Ac. Méd. Mém. RSLC, v.13, p.lxx 1820anm.html
Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R. RSLC, v.13, p.lxx 1666as.html
Paris, Ac. Sci. Mém. RSLC, v.13, p.lxx 1666as.html
Paris, Acad. Méd. Mém. RSLC, v.9, p.xxv 1820anm.html
Paris, Acad. Sci. Compt. Rend. RSLC, v.9, p.xxv 1666as.html
Paris, Acad. Sci. Mém. RSLC, v.9, p.xxv 1666as.html
Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. RSLC, v.1, p.lix 1832sef.html
Paris, Bull. Soc. Encour. RSLC, v.1, p.lx 1801sein.html
Paris, C. R., soc. biol. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., Vol. 3, No. 2 (Feb. 15, 1917), p.126 cites 45, 1913. 1848sdb.html
Paris, Comptes Rendus RSLC, v.1, p.lx 1666as.html
Paris, Mém. Acad. Méd. RSLC, v.1, p.lx 1820anm.html
Paris, Mém. Acad. Sci. RSLC, v.1, p.lx 1666as.html
Paris, Mém. de l'Inst. RSLC, v.1, p.lx 1666as.html;
Paris, Mém. Savans Étrang. RSLC, v.1, p.lx 1795idf.html
Paris, Mém. Savants Étrang. RSLC, v.9, p.xxv 1795idf.html
Paris, Mém. Soc. Linn. RSLC, v.1, p.lx. 1788slp.html
Paris, Mém. Soc. Sav. RSLC, v.1, p.lx 1795idf.html
Paris, Soc. Anatom. Bull. RSLC, v.1, p.lxi 1803sap.html
Paris, Soc. Chir. Bull. RSLC, v.1, p.lxi. 1731arc.html
Paris, Soc. Chir. Mém. RSLC, v.1, p.lxi. 1731arc.html
Paris, Soc. Chirurg. Bull. et Mém. RSLC, v.9, p.xxv. 1731arc.html
Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann. RSLC, v.13, p.lxxi 1832sef.html
Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull. RSLC, v.13, p.lxxi 1832sef.html
Paris, Soc. Entom. Annales RSLC, v.9, p.xxv 1832sef.html
Paris, Soc. Géogr. Bull. RSLC, v.1, p.lxi, v.9, p. xxv & v.13, p.lxxii 1821sdg.html
Paris, Soc. Géogr. C. R. RSLC, v.13, p.lxxii 1821sdg.html
Paris, Soc. Géol. Bull. RSLC, v.1, p.lxi; v.9, p.xxv; v.13, p.lxxii 1830sgf.html
Paris, Soc. Géol. Mém. RSLC, v.1, p.lxi; v.9, p.xxv; v.13, p.lxxii 1830sgf.html
Paris, Soc. Géol. Mém., Paléont. RSLC, v.13, p.lxii 1830sgf.html
Paris, Soc. Hist. Nat. Mém. RSLC, v.1, p.lxi. 1790shnp.html
Paris, Soc. Méd. Émul. Bull. RSLC, v.1, p.lxi 1796smep.html
Paris, Soc. Méd. Émul. Mém. RSLC, v.1, p.lxi 1796smep.html
Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. RSLC, v.1, p.lxi. 1788spp.html
Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. RSLC, v.9, p.xxvi 1788spp.html
Paris, Soc. Philom. Mém. Cent. RSLC, v.13, p.lxxii 1788spp.html
Paris, Soc. Philom. N. Bull. RSLC, v.1, p.lxi 1788spp.html
Paris. Soc. Philom. proc. verb. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc., New Ser., Vol. 66, No. 3 (1976), p.55 cites 1849. 1788spp.html
Paris, Soc. Philom. Proc. Verb. RSLC, v.1, p.lxi 1788spp.html
Paris, Trav. Soc. Amat. RSLC, v.1, p.lxi 1807saspnp.html
Path. Soc. Lond. Proc. Proc. Roy. Soc., Vol. 64 (1898 - 1899), p.93 cites 1898. 1846psl.html
Path. Soc. Proc. Proc. Roy. Soc., Vol. 64 (1898 - 1899), p.93 cites 1898. 1846psl.html
Path. Soc. Trans. Proc. Roy. Soc., B Vol. 77, No. 516 (Jan. 30, 1906), p.212 cites 1905, vol. 56. 1846psl.html
Path. Soc. Trans., London Proc. Roy. Soc., B Vol. 79, No. 534 (Sep. 6, 1907), p.434 cites vol. 57, 1906. 1846psl.html
Pathol. Soc. Proc. Proc. Roy. Soc., Vol. 45 (1888 - 1889), p.311 cites 1888. 1846psl.html
Pathol. Soc. Trans. Proc. Roy. Soc., Vol. 30 (1879 - 1880), p.444 cites 1880. 1846psl.html
Petersb. Mem. Pogg., v.1, col.314 mentions articles by Johann Georg Andreas von Brückner (1744-1814); gives no further details. 1724ian.html
Pharmaceut. Zeitung Pogg, v.1, col.69 cites 1827. 1820avnt.html
Ph. Tr. Phil. Trans., Vol. 16 (1686 - 1692), p.376 cites n. 28. 1660rs.html
Ph. Trans. Phil. Trans., Vol. 62 (1772), p. 464 cites Vol. LVII. 1660rs.html
Ph. Transactions Phil. Trans., Vol. 4 (1669), p. 1044 cites Numb. 18. 1660rs.html
Pharm. Centr. Blatt. RSLC, v.1, p.lxii. IndJ1830pc.html
Pharm. J. Biometrika, Vol. 35, No. 1/2 (May, 1948), p.3 cites 21, 1891 and 23, 1893. 1841rpsgb.html
Pharm. J. Biometrika, Vol. 35, No. 1/2 (May, 1948), p.4 cites 64 (1900), 66 (1901), 68 (1902), etc. 1841rpsgb.html
Pharm. J. Scientific Monthly, Vol. 33, No. 4 (Oct., 1931), p.360 cites 83, 1909. 1841rpsgb.html
Pharm. J. Proc. Roy. Soc., B Vol. 118, No. 810 (Oct. 3, 1935), p.484 cites vol. 80 (1935). 1841rpsgb.html
Pharm. J. & Tr. Law Contemp. Probl., Vol. 22, No. 1, (Winter, 1957), p.4 cites 1869. 1841rpsgb.html
Pharm. J. & Tr., Lond. American Anthropologist, Vol. 3, No. 4 (Oct., 1890), p.379 cites 1889-90, 3. s., xx. 1841rpsgb.html
Pharm. J. & Trans. J. Crim. Law Criminol. Police Sci., Vol. 50, No. 4 (Nov. - Dec., 1959), p.347 cites 49 (1889). 1841rpsgb.html
Pharm. J., Lond. American Anthropologist, New Series, Vol. 1, No. 1 (Jan., 1899), p.192 cites 1898, 4. s., vii. 1841rpsgb.html
Pharm. Jl. RSLC, v.13, p.lxxiii. 1841rpsgb.html
Pharm. Jl. Trans. Phil. Trans., B Vol. 193 (1900), p.30 cites vol. 3. 1841rpsgb.html
Pharm. Jour. Science, New Series, Vol. 101, No. 2628 (May 11, 1945), p.484 cites (3) 12, 1881. 1841rpsgb.html
Pharm. Jour. Science, New Series, Vol. 12, No. 293 (Aug. 10, 1900), p.232 cites 1900. 1841rpsgb.html
Pharm. Jour. Scientific Monthly, Vol. 42, No. 5 (May, 1936), p.462 cites 83, 1909. 1841rpsgb.html
Pharm. Jour. Science, New Series, Vol. 81, No. 2113 (Jun. 28, 1935), p.637 cites November 18, 1933. 1841rpsgb.html
Pharm. Jour. (London) Science, New Series, Vol. 10, No. 237 (Jul. 14, 1899), p.60 cites 1899. 1841rpsgb.html
Pharm. Journ. Proc. Roy. Soc., Vol. 10 (1859 - 1860), p.452 cites vol. v. (1845). 1841rpsgb.html
Pharm. Journ. Proc. Roy. Soc., Vol. 62 (1897 - 1898), p.339 cites 1896, vol. 56. 1841rpsgb.html
Pharm. Journ. and Trans. Geographical Journal, Vol. 30, No. 5 (Nov., 1907), p.545 cites 3rd series, vol. 2, 1871-72. 1841rpsgb.html
Pharm. Journ. Trans. Phil. Trans., B Vol. 181 (1890), p.108 cites [3], vol. 10. 1841rpsgb.html
Pharm. Journal and Trans. Proc. Roy. Soc., Vol. 53 (1893), p.159 cites 1880-81. 1841rpsgb.html
Pharmac. Journal and Trans. Proc. Roy. Soc., Vol. 35 (1883), p.395 cites vol. xii, 1852-53. 1841rpsgb.html
Pharmaceut. Journ. RSLC, v.1, p.lxii. 1841rpsgb.html
Pharmaceutical J. Yale Law J., Vol. 70, No. 6 (May, 1961), p.890 cites 181 (1958). 1841rpsgb.html
Phil. Tr. Phil. Trans., Vol. 48 (1753), p.U5 (in the Index following p.882) cites No 496. 1660rs.html
Phil. Tr. Pogg, v.1, col.70 cites 1684 & 1698. 1660rs.html
Phil. Tr. Pogg, v.1, col.20 cites 1831, 1839, 1840, 1844. 1660rs.html
Phil. Trans. Phil. Trans., Vol. 6 (1671), p. 2279 cites p.2172 (same volume). 1660rs.html
Phil. Trans. RSLC, v.1, p.lxii 1660rs.html
Phil. Trans. A RSLC, v.13, p.lxxiii 1660rs.html
Phil. Trans. B RSLC, v.13, p.lxxiii 1660rs.html
Phil. Trans. Edinb. Phil. Trans., Vol. 150 (1860), p.157 cites p. 522 of an article by David Brewster on atmospheric lines in vol. xii; the corresponding entry in RSLC, v.1, p.618, #144 gives the abbrev. as Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans. 1783rse.html
Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Phil. Trans., B Vol. 198 (1906), p.403 cites a biological article in vol. 195 (1903). 1660rs.html
Phil. Transact. Phil. Trans., Vol. 1 (1665), p.181 cites Num.9, p.159. 1660rs.html
Phil. Transact. Pogg, v.1, col.31 cites 1745; v.1, col.32 cites 1756. 1660rs.html
Phil. Transactions Phil. Trans., Vol. 3 (1668), p. 792. 1660rs.html
Phil. u. Hist. Ab. d. Königlichen Akad. d. Wissenschaft z. Berlin Osiris, Vol. 9 (1950), p.83 cites 1860. 1700kbsw.html
Philol. Soc. Trans. J. Am. Folklore, Vol. 23, No. 90 (Oct. - Dec., 1910), p.419 cites 1891-94. 1842ps.html
Philol. Soc. Transactions Modern Lang. Notes, Vol. 20, No. 7 (Nov., 1905), p.204 cites 1860-61. 1842ps.html
Philolog. Soc. Trans. School Review, Vol. 21, No. 3 (Mar., 1913), p.183 cites 1875-76. 1842ps.html
Philological Soc. Trans. Folk-Lore Journal, Vol. 1, No. 8 (Aug., 1883), p.257 cites 1859. 1842ps.html
Philological Soc. Transactions PMLA, Vol. 24, No. 4 (1909), p.688 cites 1908. 1842ps.html
Philos. Tr. Phil. Trans., Vol. 26 (1708), p.423 cites No.50. 1660rs.html
Philos. Trans. Phil. Trans., Vol. 16 (1686), p.376 cites Numb.112. 1660rs.html
Philos. Transact. Phil. Trans., Vol. 16 (1686), p. 237 cites Numb.183. 1660rs.html
Philos. Transact. Reuss, v.4, p.1 cites Y. 1713; p.250 cites Y. 1800. 1660rs.html
Philos. Transact. Pogg., v.1, col.268 cites 1665. 1660rs.html
Philos. Transactions Phil. Trans., Vol. 4 (1669), p. 911. 1660rs.html
Philosop. Trans. Phil. Trans., Vol. 109. (1819), p.182 cites Vol. 66. 1660rs.html
Philosoph. Abhandl. d. Münch. Acad. Pogg, v.1, col.248 cites Bd. III. 1759cbaw.html
Philosoph. Tr. Pogg, v.1, col.32 cites 1807, 1808, 1809, 1829. 1660rs.html
Philosoph. Trans. Phil. Trans., Vol. 13 (1683), p.284 cites Num. 147. 1660rs.html
Philosoph. Transact. Phil. Trans., Vol. 13 (1683), p.U5 for pp. 281-284. 1660rs.html
Philosoph. Transact. Pogg, v.1, col.81 cites 1815 & 1816, 1817, 1819, 1825, 1826. 1660rs.html
Philosoph. Transactions Phil. Trans., Vol. 23 (1702), p.1416 (the 1st sequence containing p.1416) cites No 255. 1660rs.html
Philosophical Trans. Phil. Trans., Vol. 24 (1704), p.1702. 1660rs.html
Philosophical Transact. Phil. Trans., Vol. 13 (1683), p. 120 cites No. 142. 1660rs.html
Phys. Abh. K. Akad. Wiss. zu Berl. Geografiska Annaler, A Vol. 62, No. 3/4 (1980), p.147 cites 1 (1894). 1700kbsw.html
Phys. Bl. Obit. Not. Fell. Roy. Soc., Vol. 6, No. 17 (Nov., 1948), p.188 cites 3, 1947. 1845dpg.html
Phys. Bl. Dtsch. Brit. J. Phil. Sci., Vol. 13, No. 52 (Feb., 1963), p.348 cites 1960, 16. 1845dpg.html
Phys. Bl. (Germany) Isis, Vol. 51, No. 3 (Sep., 1960), p.432 cites 1957, 13. 1845dpg.html
Phys. Blätt. Biog. Mem. Fell. Roy. Soc., Vol. 34 (Dec., 1988), p.174 cites 24, 1968. 1845dpg.html
Phys. Blatt. Biog. Mem. Fell. Roy. Soc., Vol. 34 (Dec., 1988), p.175 cites 15, 1959. 1845dpg.html
Phys. Blätter Biog. Mem. Fell. Roy. Soc., Vol. 6 (Nov., 1960), p.154 cites 9, 1953. 1845dpg.html
Phys. Ent. Phil. Trans., B Vol. 341, No. 1295, (Jul. 29, 1993), p.108 cites 2, 1977. 1833res.html
Phys. Entomol. Phil. Trans., B Vol. 312, No. 1158 (Jul. 25, 1986), p.550 cites 3, 1978. 1833res.html
Phys.-medizin. Soz. z. Erlangen, Sitz. Math. Tables Other Aids Comput., Vol. 3, No. 28 (Oct., 1949), p.560 cites v. 74, 1943. 1808pmse.html
Phys. Scr. Science, Science, New Series, Vol. 176, No. 4032 (Apr. 21, 1972), p.252 cites 1 (1970). 1739kva.html
Phys. Scr. T Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., Vol. 94, No. 6 (Mar. 18, 1997), p.2321 cites 49 (1993). 1739kva.html
Phys. Scrip. Science, New Series, Vol. 306, No. 5696, (Oct. 22, 2004), p.679 cites 69, C10 (2004). 1739kva.html
Phys. Script. SIAM J. Appl. Math., Vol. 50, No. 1 (Feb., 1990), p.15 cites T19 (1987). 1739kva.html
Phys. Scripta Science, New Series, Vol. 173, No. 3997 (Aug. 13, 1971), p.635 cites 1 (1970). 1739kva.html
Phys. Scripta T Proc. Roy. Soc., A Vol. 463, No. 2088 (Dec. 8, 2007), p.3250 cites 90, 2001. 1739kva.html
Physica Scr. Proc. Roy. Soc., A Vol. 365, No. 1722 (Mar. 29, 1979), p.411 cites 16, 1977. 1739kva.html
Physica Scrip. Phil. Trans., A Vol. 336, No. 1643, (Sep. 16, 1991), p.481 cites 28, 1983. 1739kva.html
Physical Essays, Edinburgh Phil. Trans., Vol. 55 (1765), p.31 cites 1754, vol. i. 1731pse.html
Physik. Abhandl. kön. Akad. Wiss., Berlin Proc. Roy. Soc., B Vol. 92, No. 645. (Jun. 1, 1921), p.178 cites 1848. 1700kbsw.html
Physik. Bl. Science, New Series, Vol. 124, No. 3217 (Aug. 24, 1956), p.359 cites 12 (1956). 1845dpg.html
Physik. Blätter Biog. Mem. Fell. Roy. Soc., Vol. 23 (Nov., 1977), p.249 cites 24 (1968). 1845dpg.html
Physik.-medizinische Sozietät, Sitzb., Erlangen Am. Math. Monthly., Vol. 56, No. 1, Part 2, (Jan., 1949), p.75 cites v. 58-59, 1928. 1808pmse.html
Physikal. Arbeiten der Einträcht. Freunde in Wien Reuss, v.7, p.51 cites Jahrg.2. Quart.2. 1781fmlzwe.html
Physikal. Arbeiten der Einträchtigen Freunde in Wien Reuss, v.1, p.67 cites Jahrg.1. Quart.3; v.1, pp.70, 71 & 72 cite Jahrg.1. Quart.4; v.3, p.85 cites Jahrg.1. Quart.4; v.1, pp.2 & 67 cite Jahrg.2. Quart.1; v.1, p.25 cites cites Jahrg.2. Quart.3. 1781fmlzwe.html
Physikalische Abhandlungen der Königl. baierischen Akad. der Wissenschaften Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., Vol. 11, (1859), p.xiv cites 1st Abtheil. München, 1803. 1759cbaw.html
Physiogr. Sällsk. Handl. Reuss, v.1, p.57 cites T.1 1772psl.html
Physiogr. Sälsk. Handl. Reuss, v.6, p.6 cites Delen 1. St.3; v.6, p.13 cites Deel 1. St.3. 1772psl.html
Physiogr. Sälskap. Handl. Reuss, v.1, p.181 cites Delen 1. St. 1. 1772psl.html
Physiol. Ent. Proc. Roy. Soc., B Vol. 205, No. 1159 (Aug. 1, 1979), p.227 cites 2, 1977. 1833res.html
Physiol. Entomol. Science, New Series, Vol. 199, No. 4334 (Mar. 17, 1978), p.1173 cites 2 (1977). 1833res.html
P.I. Civil Engineers Geographical Journal, Vol. 21, No. 2 (Feb., 1903), p.211 cites 149 (1902). 1818ice.html
Pièces de l'acad. de Paris Pogg., v.1, col.405 cites an article by Antoine Cavalleri in T. IV; the corresponding entry in Reuss, v.4, p.32 gives the journal-title abbrev. as Pieces de Prix de l'Acad. des Sc. de Paris. 1666as.html
Pièces de Pris de l'Acad. Pogg, v.1, col.368 cites T. II (giving the spelling Pris rather than Prix). 1666as.html
Pièces de Prix de l'acad. Pogg, v.1, col.254 cites T. I et II. 1666as.html
Pièces de Prix de l'Acad. de Par. Pogg, v.1, col.190 cites T. II. 1666as.html
Pièces de Prix de l'acad. de Paris Pogg, v.1, col.157 cites T. I; v.1, col.158 cites 1734 (T. V). 1666as.html
Pieces de Prix de l'Acad. des Sc. de Paris Reuss, v.4, p.10 cites T.2. 1666as.html
Pieces de Prix de l'Acad. des Sc. de Paris. Mem. Reuss, v.4, p.306 cites 2, 3, 4, and 5. 1666as.html
Plymouth Inst. Trans. RSLC, v.13, p.lxxiii 1812pi.html
Plymouth Instit. Trans. RSLC, v.7, p.xxiv; v.9, p.xxvi 1812pi.html
Pog. Ann. Proc. Roy. Soc., A Vol. 83, No. 561 (Jan. 7, 1910), p.155 cites vol. 124, 1865. 1845dpg.html
Pog. Annalen Proc. Am. Phil. Soc., Vol. 85, No. 2 (Jan. 24, 1942), p.98 cites 1874. 1845dpg.html
Pogg. Science, New Series, Vol. 15, No. 388 (Jun. 6, 1902), p.883 cites articles by Schönbein in XLVI and XLVII (1839); the corresponding entries in RSLC, v.5, p.524 give the journal title abbreviation as Poggend. Annal. 1845dpg.html
Pogg. Ann. Proc. Roy. Soc., Vol. 15 (1866 - 1867), p.14 cites cxix (1863). 1845dpg.html
Pogg. Ann. Pogg., v.1, col.74 cites III. 1825; V. 1825; XIV. 1828; XIII. 1828; XVIII, 1830; XXVII. 1833; LII. 1841; LXXI. 1847; v.1, col.4 cites XXIII, XLII, L, LI, LXXVI, LXXX. 1845dpg.html
Pogg. Ann. d. Phys. Proc. Roy. Soc., A Vol. 88, No. 604 (Jun. 2, 1913), p.362 cites 1873, vol. 150. 1845dpg.html
Pogg. Ann. d. Phys. Chem. Am. J. Psychol., Vol. 43, No. 3 (Jul., 1931), p.442 cites 27, 1833. 1845dpg.html
Pogg. Ann. d. Phys. u. Chem. Am. J. Psychol., Vol. 43, No. 4 (Oct., 1931), p.541 cites 150, 1873.] 1845dpg.html
Pogg. Ann. d. Physik Proc. Roy. Soc., A Vol. 116, No. 775 (Nov. 1, 1927), p.554 cites vol. 138 (1869). 1845dpg.html
Pogg. Ann. d. Physik u. Chemie Am. J. Psychol., Vol. 52, No. 2 (Apr., 1939), p.227 cites 121, 1838. 1845dpg.html
Pogg. Ann. der Phy. Phil. Trans., A Vol. 216 (1916), p.34 cites 1835, 36. 1845dpg.html
Pogg. Ann. der Phys. Phil. Trans., A Vol. 217 (1918), p.199 cites (1862), vol. 115. 1845dpg.html
Pogg. Ann. Engänz Notes Rec. Roy. Soc., Vol. 38, No. 1 (Aug., 1983), p.103 cites 3 (1853). 1845dpg.html
Pogg. Ann., Erg. Bd. Science, New Series, Vol. 69, No. 1781 (Feb. 15, 1929), p.187 cites 8, 1878. 1845dpg.html
Pogg. Ann., Erg.-Bd. Proc. Roy. Soc., Vol. 138, No. 835 (Nov. 1, 1932), p.290 cites vol. 7 (1876). 1845dpg.html
Pogg. Ann., Ergänz. Proc. Roy. Soc., Vol. 49 (1890 - 1891), p.21 cites 5. 1845dpg.html
Pogg. Ann. Ergbd. Phil. Trans., Vol. 177 (1886), p.315 cites band 8 (1878). 1845dpg.html
Pogg. Ann., Ergsbd. Phil. Trans., A Vol. 204 (1905), p.1 cites iii, 1853. 1845dpg.html
Pogg. Ann. Ergz. Proc. Roy. Soc., Vol. 57, (1894 - 1895), p.128 cites 8, 1878. 1845dpg.html
Pogg. Ann., Leipzig Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., Vol. 9, No. 3 (Mar. 15, 1923), p.72 cites 127, 1866. 1845dpg.html
Pogg. Ann. Phys. Phil. Trans., A Vol. 282, No. 1307, (Jul. 8, 1976), p.34 cites 132, 1867. 1845dpg.html
Pogg. Ann. Physik Phil. Trans., A Vol. 329, No. 1608 (Dec. 14, 1989), p.612 cites 119, 1863. 1845dpg.html
Pogg. Annalen Phil. Trans., Vol. 169 (1878), p.17 cites 1874, vol. cli. 1845dpg.html
Poggen. Ann. Am. J. Psychol., Vol. 73, No. 4 (Dec., 1960), p.505 cites 32, 1834 and 50, 1840. 1845dpg.html
Poggen. Annalen Am. J. Psychol., Vol. 22, No. 2 (Apr., 1911), p.253 cites CXXVI, 1865. 1845dpg.html
Poggend. Ann. Proc. Roy. Soc., Vol. 19 (1870 - 1871), p.457 cites vol. cxvi (1861). 1845dpg.html
Poggend. Ann. d. Physik Am. J. Psychol., Vol. 73, No. 1 (Mar., 1960), p.143 cites 120, 1863. 1845dpg.html
Poggend. Ann. d. Physik u. Chem. Am. J. Psychol., Vol. 38, No. 4 (Oct., 1927), p.509 cites 84, 1851. 1845dpg.html
Poggend. Ann. Physik chem. Proc. Am. Phil. Soc., Vol. 146, No. 1 (Mar., 2002), p.55 cites 45, 1838. 1845dpg.html
Poggend. Annal. RSLC, v.1, p.lxiii. 1845dpg.html
Poggend. Annalen Phil. Trans., Vol. 160 (1870), p.599 cites 1869, vol. xvi. 1845dpg.html
Poggendorf's Ann. Physik Chemie Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., Vol. 41, No. 7 (Jul. 15, 1955), p.521 cites 72, 1847. 1845dpg.html
Poggendorff Ann. Phil. Trans., Vol. 170 (1879), p.29 cites vol. 119. 1845dpg.html
Poggendorff's Ann. Science, New Series, Vol. 113, No. 2924 (Jan. 12, 1951), p.36 cites 114 (1861). 1845dpg.html
Poggendorff's Ann. d. Phys. a. Ch. Am. J. Psychol., Vol. 6, No. 3 (Jun., 1894), p.413 cites 1863, Vol. 120. 1845dpg.html
Poggendorff's Ann. Phys. & Chem. Notes Rec. Roy. Soc., Vol. 26, No. 2 (Dec., 1971), p.201 cites 79 (1850). 1845dpg.html
Poggendorff's Ann. Phys. Chem. Envir. Health Perspect., Vol. 8 (Aug., 1974), p.213 cites 13 (1828). 1845dpg.html
Poggendorff's Annalen Abs. Pap. Comm. Roy. Soc., Vol. 5 (1843 - 1850), p.781 cites lxxii, 1847. 1845dpg.html
Poggendorffs Ann. Scientific Monthly, Vol. 85, No. 3 (Sep., 1957), p.149 cites 79 (1850). 1845dpg.html
Poggendorffs Ann. d. Phys. Phil. Trans., A Vol. 332, No. 1625, (Aug. 15, 1990), p.218 cites 125, 1865. 1845dpg.html
Poggendorffs Ann. Phys. Chem. Acta Musicologica, Vol. 44, Fasc. 1 (Jan. - Jun., 1972), p.46 cites 128 (1866). 1845dpg.html
Poggendorffs Annalen Isis, Vol. 51, No. 2 (Jun., 1960), p.245 cites 1825. 1845dpg.html
Pop. Mag. Anthrop. Man, New Series, Vol. 9, No. 3 (Sep., 1974), p.491 cites I, 1866. 1843raigbi.html
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